The Needle Bar Bus Tour


Everyone has a story about the Covid 19 vaccines: good and bad. Even those who haven't had it. We want to hear and share those stories. Rod Humphris, the landlord of the Raven in Bath, who clashed with Keir Starmer on lockdowns, is taking the Needle Bar Bus around the UK. He and his team, including a film crew and a fully stocked bar, are setting off in November following the stories. For more information or to share your story please email , go to and follow us on twitter @needle_stories .

The Barefoot Broadcast


Light relief on Planet Sht Show. If you’re looking for a light-hearted and safe space to find joy in these (quite frankly) maddening times, then you might like The Barefoot Broadcast. Contribute to a growing community where we focus on JOY, LOVE, EASE and GRACE, and watch interviews with coaches and fellow good eggs who might help us facilitate a TRULY WONDROUS LIFE! We look at consciousness through the lens of daily news and help make sense of the world. ‘The Barefoot Broadcast’ was originally founded in September 2010 by Carl Munson on Blog Talk Radio. It was later aired on YT, presented by Louisa Tanner Munson. We both have ‘day jobs’ where we work as facilitators/coaches. You can also find Louisa (Intuitive Astrological Coach), under the name Feel Good Astrology. ⭐ Buy us a coffee here - ⭐YT @feelgoodastrology ⭐ 🖐 Want to chat with us within a censorship free community? Then head over to Skool today. Its currently free, and a great place to share resources and support one another to feel great every day! (and to learn how to thrive when life is challenging!)