Julia Tica


• Fashion model from Czech Republic • 38 - 23 - 36 inches • Bra size 34G • Busty and proud • You may already know about me but if you dont, well, I am a fashion model and a designer and I love beeing sexy and naughty. I live in Czech Republic and my nationality is half romanian half colombian, I speak english and romanian. What more should I say?! Well...I love beeing "busty and proud". I made Website for my diehard fans who want to see more of me and "more" is exactly what you're going to see here(naked photoshoots, topless, sexy videos, etc... Lets have fun together shall we?

Документални филми / Documentaries


Аз съм Ценка Стойчева и съм публицист, лектор, общественик, свръхсетивен диагностик и лечител, писател. Тук, на канала си, в поредица от кратки клипове ще представям различни аспекти на холистичния метод за диагностика и лечение, който разработих през изминалите 25 години, и който подробно описвам в книгите си "Новото лечителско изкуство" (2006) и "Мистичният феникс" (2021) ⭐️ "Новото лечителско изкуство" и Мистичният феникс" можете да си поръчате на следния имейл: tsenka.stoycheva@gmail.com ⭐️ Ако желаете, можете да ме подкрепите със скромна сума, като се абонирате за канала ми в Patreon https://www.patreon.com/user?u=67886997 ⭐️ Или чрез акаунта ми в PayPal tsenka.stoycheva@gmail.com ⭐️ Моята страница във Фейсбук https://www.facebook.com/stoycheva.ts... ❤️ Линк за безплатно сваляне в ел. вариант на първата ми книга - "Сребърната нишка": https://chitanka.info/text/43978-sreb...

Political Doctrine


If you like this podcast buy me a coke, I get thirsty with so much talking. https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=RW6626DHB23N2 every $5 gift also gets a free digital copy of "if it's broken don't fix it" Brought to you by "If It's Broken Don't Fix It" By Mr Noriega support this channel/support a teacher by purchasing this incredible book on education https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/if-its-broken-dont-fix-it-sinhue-noriega/1116503700?ean=2940149097692 previously banned for 10 years. Midwest reviews says "should be mandatory reading for every parent, teacher and admin." Find out why it was banned. Get yours before the sensors lock it down forever. Because They don't want you to know... Freedom, Religion, your rights, your choice; talking about the most important issues now, before the end of the world

Patria Amada Brasil


"O futuro do Brasil está em nossas mãos! Não espere pela mídia, seja o porta-voz da verdade! COMPARTILHE este vídeo e faça a diferença!" ✅ Atenção: O título e a imagem utilizados neste vídeo são de caráter ilustrativo, criados para chamar atenção ao tema abordado. Todas as informações apresentadas são baseadas em dados públicos, análises e opiniões pessoais, respeitando as diretrizes da plataforma. #patriaamadabrasil #bolsonaro #lula #noticiasdobrasilhoje Quer ajudar na campanha do Presidente Jair Messias Bolsonaro em 2026 de forma gratuita? Então se inscreva no canal de cortes do presidente: https://www.youtube.com/@MitoBolsonaro2026 O Maior grupo de apoio do TELEGRAM ao preseidente BOLSONARO em 2026: https://t.me/jairmbolsonaro2026 Twitter X - https://x.com/Gabriel_SouzaMG Comunidade WhatsApp - https://chat.whatsapp.com/KdUnCui7eA1DWwITOgKxb6 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/souza_2002/

Political Lens


#NonPartisan Political Candidate Interviews. The Political Lens is a FREE nonpartisan Podcast to political candidates to provide platform to reach potential voters. politicallens.com Disclaimer: Political Lens Podcast Welcome to the Political Lens podcast, a platform dedicated to interviewing political candidates running for office. Our aim is to provide a space where candidates can share their values, beliefs, reasons for running, opinions, and knowledge on current events. Please note the following: Non-Partisan Nature: Political Lens is a non-partisan organization. We do not endorse, support, or oppose any candidate, political party, or policy. Our mission is to facilitate informed discussions and provide our listeners with diverse perspectives. Guest Opinions: The views and opinions expressed by our guests are their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Political Lens, its hosts, or its affiliates. We provide a platform for open dialogue and do not influence the content shared by our guests. Accuracy and Responsibility: While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information presented, Political Lens cannot guarantee the completeness or reliability of the content shared during the interviews. Listeners are encouraged to conduct their own research and form their own opinions. Respectful Discourse: We promote respectful and constructive conversations. Any offensive, discriminatory, or inappropriate comments made by guests or listeners will not be tolerated and may be subject to moderation or removal. Thank you for tuning into the Political Lens podcast. We appreciate your support and engagement in these important conversations.

Warrior Tactical Systems


Warrior Tactical Systems LLC believes trained and prepared citizens are a force for good in the world. That\'s why we strives to spread a philosophy that inspires warriors for generations to come to search for the truth in combat. We provide quality, cutting edge self-defense training, including the use of various firearms, edged and impact weapons, less lethal tools and empty hand combative skills. Our goal is to provide the skills and knowledge necessary to develop Civilian, Military and Law Enforcement operators to their full potential. We are always striving to provide the best training methodology by constantly innovating, researching and developing so, we can give warriors every advantage in combat.