Join the club GIG Community!


club GIG is ALL about keeping our heads focused on healing, growing, and manifesting for the NEW ERA OF SPIRITUALITY! Full-length videos are available to Supporters of our public platform on Locals! Join us there to access ALL EXCLUSIVE CONTENT for just $5/month! -Daily interaction on Locals Feed -Daily inspirational videos, spirituality and chakra focused -EXCLUSIVE QUESTION SUBMISSION AND FULL LENGTH 2x WEELY VIDEO of the Q&A Podcast "REAL LIFE *H!T " -EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO "THE GRASS IS GREEN" HOLISTIC THERAPY FOR TODAYS NEW WORLD WORKBOOK and accompanying video series. -EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO "THE GRASS IS GREEN" HOLISTIC THERAPY FOR TODAYS NEW WORLD DAILY VIDEO LINK -EXCLUSIVE FULL LENGTH VIDEO of the Series "THE MAGNIFICENT JOURNEY OF THE UNICORN QUEEN" -EXCLUSIVE FULL LENGTH 1x WEEKLY VIDEO of the business Podcast "5D BUSINESS, IT IS WHAT'S NOW" (Premium Supporters Only) -EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO WEEKLY IMPROMPTU LIVE CHATS -EXCLUSIVE ACCESS TO HEALING SERVICES, live or video and more!

Entrepreneurs Unity Group


Entrepreneurs Unity Group states that its main goal is to provide a knowledge base that teaches: 1. Entrepreneur mindset 2. The transformation from offline to online business as we welcome the age of digitalization and automation 3. Personal development and elevation 4. Focus on health, wealth and happiness. 5. Focus on fitness and meditation (as we follow the equation of balance between body and spirit) 6. Focus on good communication, innovation, leveraging and success stories for the others to model them. Join our website which is freemium of knowledge to all entrepreneurs. At the occasion, we have to repeat our five rules that you should follow to succeed: 1. Work smarter, not harder. 2. Hire people to do the things you are not good at. 3. Get more done and spend less 4. Don’t be afraid of failing (because you will). 5.. Wake up with purpose daily, and be relentless.

Education opens up a world of opportunity


Videos to help with learning and understanding. Thank you for watching. Please follow, like and share. Positive comments are welcome. Copyright: All videos are the property of Education opens up a world of opportunity You are not approved to use these videos other than for personal viewing. You must not download any contents from this channel without prior permission. The creator of these videos does not accept any responsibility for any action taken by a viewer as a result of watching a video. All responsibility lies with the viewer.

Standing in Unity for our Rights & Freedom


Welcome to Miramichi Freedom Warriors! Great to have you come join us here Since FB is censoring and banning a lot of groups and profiles, we decided to create a group here so we\'ll be safe should our group be deleted on FB. Better to be safe than sorry Hard to believe that in only 2 weeks since we had our first rally, we have grown so much! Your support is greatly appreciated! We have succeeded in getting our message out there and the response has been amazing!!! Looking forward to stand with all you warriors in Unity for our rights & freedoms! #MiramichiFreedomWarriors #NBRising # #StandUpForYourFreedom