Faith to Act ~ Come Unto Christ


Encouraging others to Act in Faith and learn more about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in preparation for His Second Coming. . Faith To Act :) FAITH = “Faith is the substance [assurance] of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” - Apostle Paul, New Testament (Hebrews 11:1) “If ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true” - Alma, The Book of Mormon (Alma 32:21) "Faith is not only the principle of action, but of power also, in all intelligent beings, whether in heaven or on earth." - Joseph Smith, Prophet of Restoration, Lectures on Faith 3 ACT = "to take action; do something; exert energy or force" “The Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to ACT for themselves and not to be acted upon.” Nephi, Book of Mormon, (2 Nephi 2:26)

ISTINA - to je ono u šta je teško poverovati


Prema legendi iz 19. veka: Istina i Laž se jednog dana sretnu. Laž govori Istini: "Danas je divan dan!". Istina pogleda put neba i uzdahnu, jer je dan zaista bio divan. Provedoše dosta vremena zajedno i na kraju prođoše kraj jednog bunara. Laž opet reče istini: "Voda je prelepa, dođi zajedno da se kupamo". Istina, pomalo sumnjičava, dotače vodu i osjeti da je stvarno prijatna. Pristade i Istina i Laž se počnu kupati zajedno. Odjednom, Laž iskoči iz vode, obuče odjeću Istine i pobježe. Bijesna Istina izađe iz bunara i poče da traži Laž da povrati svoju odjeću. Tražila je Laž po čitavom svijetu. A svijet, gledajući Istinu golu, skreće pogled sa prezirom i bijesom. Jadna Istina se vrati u bunar i zauvijek nestade u njemu skrivajući svoju sramotu. Od tada Laž putuje po cijelom svijetu, obučena kao Istina, zadovoljavajući potrebe društva, jer u svakom slučaju svijet nema nikakvu želju da upozna golu Istinu.

Azure Standard ~ Healthy Food, Direct to You Verified


Use RUMBLE15 for 15% off your first Azure order (first time purchase only, $100 minimum order, 1x use) .Azure Standard is a family-owned and independent company dedicated to providing you with high quality, affordable organic, natural and non-GMO groceries, health, household and garden products that meet your needs. We specialize in delivering quality bulk and natural foods. We're committed to bringing you thousands of carefully selected products chosen to bring you abundant health, in orders big or small. Membership is free.

PiXimperfect, hosted by Unmesh Dinda, is a free resource for learning PhotoShop


PiXimperfect, hosted by Unmesh Dinda, is a free resource for learning Photoshop and Lightroom. We believe in learning the concept, rather than learning the steps so that you can translate "your" imagination visually to the world. This will make you a better decision-maker, rather than letting others make decisions for you. Since every situation is different and the definition of "beauty" is subjective, it is essential that you master the approach, and then the steps will automatically follow. Our motto is "Keep Creating." We always say to our students: "Don't worry so much about the quality, because time will improve it. Don't spend so much time getting things pixel-perfect, so that you end up not finishing it. Just 'Keep Creating,' and your consistency will take care of the rest." PiXimperfect is free, and will always be.

From Fallen Trees to Stories


Everyone loves a good story. When a story is told around the dinner table, memories are being made as old ones are being shared. When the story is about the very table everyone is sitting around, it makes that time even more special. At Meriwether Millworks, we can help you craft a story about your furniture. Rather than have those fallen trees hauled off to the landfill or chopped into firewood, we can mill it for you so that they can become your next dinning room table, coffee table, bed, or the next building on your property.