Sewing With Angie


I have 37 years of sewing experience that I want to share with you. I'm self-taught, but I attended some fashion classes at a local community college later in life. I took Fashion design, pattern making, textiles, and fine dressmaking. Most of my videos are on men's alterations. My teaching style is step-by-step and very thorough. If I foresee a problem with the particular skill I'm demonstrating, I'll let you know and tell you how to remedy it. So, Subscribe and let's get sewing!

Sanguis Et Terra


Help support us bring you more content like this Welcome to "Sanguis Et Terra", where we embark on an enthralling journey through the rich tapestry of Western history, celebrating its illustrious personages and cultural heritage! 🏰 Discover the lives of legendary figures who left an indelible mark on Western history, from monarchs and explorers to artists and thinkers. 🌍 We explore the art, literature, music, and traditions that have defined Western civilization and continue to influence the world. Whether you're a history buff, a biography enthusiast, one seeking a deeper connection to their ancestors, or just simply curious about the past, there's something here for everyone. Our engaging content is designed to both educate and inspire, fostering a deeper appreciation for the vast, impactful, and interconnected history of Western civilization. 🤝 Subscribe now to "Sanguis Et Terra" for a front-row seat to getting a glimpse of Western history, the extraordinary lives of its personages, and the enduring legacy of its cultural heritage. Let's embark on this educational and enriching journey together! 📖🗺️ #EuropeanHistory #CulturalHeritage #HistoricalFigures #ArtandCulture #WesternHistory Visit us at:

Mukti Bodh (Gyan Yagya) Daas Bhagyesh (Saadh Sangati)


मुक्ति बोध ज्ञान यज्ञ बंदी छोड़ सतगुरु रामपालजी भगवान के चरणो में दास भाग्येश और समस्त सत्सेवकों का कोटि कोटिअष्टांग दंडवत परनाम। सभी भाई बहनों सत्सेवकों को दास का प्यार भरा सत साहेब। परम पूज्य पिताजी सतगुरु रामपालजी भगवान की असीम कृपा से और उनके आशीर्वाद से दास के द्वारा ज्ञान यज्ञ , मुक्ति बोध का पठन किया जा रहा है | परमात्मा सतगुरु रामपालजी भगवान कहते हैं साध संगति हरि भगती बिन, कोई ना उतारे पार। निर्मल आदि अनादि है, गंदा है सब संसार.. * कबीर संगत साधु की, नित प्रति कीजै जाय। दुरमति दूर बहावसी, देसी सुमति बताय॥ * संगत कीजै साधु की, कभी न निष्फल होय। लोहा पारस परसते, सो भी कंचन होय॥ * संगति सों सुख्या ऊपजे, कुसंगति सो दुख होय। कह कबीर तहँ जाइये, साधु संग जहँ होय॥ * कबीरा मन पँछी भया, भये ते बाहर जाय। जो जैसे संगति करै, सो तैसा फल पाय॥ * सज्जन सों सज्जन मिले, होवे दो दो बात। गहदा सो गहदा मिले, खावे दो दो लात॥ * मन दिया कहुँ और ही, तन साधुन के संग। कहैं कबीर कोरी गजी, कैसे लागै रंग॥ * साधु संग गुरु भक्ति अरू, बढ़त बढ़त बढ़ि जाय। ओछी संगत खर शब्द रू, घटत-घटत घटि जाय॥ * साखी शब्द बहुतै सुना, मिटा न मन का दाग। संगति सो सुधरा नहीं, ताका बड़ा अभाग॥ * साधुन के सतसंग से, थर-थर काँपे देह। कबहुँ भाव कुभाव ते, जनि मिटि जाय सनेह॥ * हरि संगत शीतल भया, मिटी मोह की ताप। निशिवासर सुख निधि, लहा अन्न प्रगटा आप॥ * जा सुख को मुनिवर रटैं, सुर नर करैं विलाप। जो सुख सहजै पाईया, सन्तों संगति आप॥ * कबीरा कलह अरु कल्पना, सतसंगति से जाय। दुख बासे भागा फिरै, सुख में रहै समाय॥ * संगत कीजै साधु की, होवे दिन-दिन हेत। साकुट काली कामली, धोते होय न सेत॥ * सन्त सुरसरी गंगा जल, आनि पखारा अंग। मैले से निरमल भये, साधू जन को संग॥ $$ साध (भगत) मिले साढ़े साधी होंदी। कहने का भावार्थ यह ही कि __ जहां परमात्मा के बच्चे परमात्मा, शब्द स्वरूपी राम, सूक्ष्म रूप मुरारी, अचल अभंगी, सत्य पुरुष, अकह पुरुष, अलख पुरुष, अल्लाह, परवर दीगार सतगुरु रामपालजी भगवान की महिमा का गुणगान करते हैं चर्चा करते हैं भोग लगता है वही साध संगति होती है || $$ ## जहां जान की महिमा सुनु ताहा माई गवन करंत। वो तो नगर अमान है जहां मेरे प्यारे साधु संत। ## * एक घड़ी आधी घड़ी, आधी में पुनि आध | कबीर संगत साधु की, कटै कोटि अपराध || बंदी छोड़ पूरं ब्रह्म परमात्मा सतगुरु रामपालजी भगवान की जय *************** मर्यादाएं जो भगत के लिए अति आवश्यक है**************** 1) सुबह उठकर मंगलाचरण करना 2) मंगलाचरण के साथ प्रार्थना 3) प्रार्थना के बाद चरणामृत पीना (घुटने के बाल बैठ कर अति आधीनी भाव से) 4) अस्त अंग से दंडवत प्रणाम करना 5) दंडवत प्रणाम करते समय जो भी मंत्र मिले उसका जप करना 6) तीन समय की आरती मन वचन कर्म से करना (त्रिसंध्या वंदन ) 7) रोज भोग लगा सको तो अवश्य लगाना भोग की छोटी आरती से (जैसा जल राम फल राम मेवा राम आदी जो भी है) 8) सप्ताह में एक बार बड़ी आरती के साथ भोग लगाना 9) महिने में एक बार साध संगति में आना (भगत मिलन समारोह (जिसमे सिर्फ परमात्मा की चर्चा की जाए)) 10) परमात्मा की महिमात्मक शब्द का पठन करना (ज्ञान यज्ञ) 11) परमात्मा के प्यारे हंसो के १६ गुणों को धारण करना () *****बन्दी छोड़ सतगुरु रामपालजी भगवान की जय ***** पालन ​​करना न करना आपके बुद्धि विवेक और संस्कारो के ऊपर निर्भर करता है, जिसको सतलोक जाना है वो तो पालन कर ही लेगा। Shanka Samadhan book (Maryada ki Book) WP 7440914911

Life changing quoteslifechange


We are a small team obsessedreading the wisdom of people who have achieved something in this world. With our love of knowledge and creativity, we create content that gives new life to famous words that have been said through the ages. A true authorial voice and painstaking work on every aspect of content helps us make truly quality content that helps so many people around the planet. Let our channel be an inexhaustible source of wisdom, to which you can come back at any given moment. Important: we create our own pictures and photos, we v our videos with a real voice (it's not

Funny Videos


Welcome to [Funny Videos] - Where Laughter Never Ends! Are you in need of a daily dose of humor, a pick-me-up after a long day, or simply a reason to smile? Look no further! [Your Channel Name] is your one-stop destination for a hilarious escape from the everyday grind. What We're About: At [Funny Videos], our mission is simple: to spread joy and laughter one video at a time. Our content is curated to bring tears of laughter to your eyes and uplift your spirits. We believe that laughter is the best medicine, and we've got the prescription ready for you! What You Can Expect: Comedy Gold: Our videos feature a wide range of comedic content, from side-splitting pranks and hilarious fails to clever sketches and witty parodies. We're all about making you chuckle, giggle, and LOL! 😆 Funny Challenges: Watch as we take on absurd challenges, daring stunts, and comical experiments. You won't believe what we're willing to do for a good laugh! 😂 Memes and Vines: Dive into a world of internet humour with our collection of the funniest memes and viral video clips. We're always on the lookout for the latest viral sensations! 🎉 Celebrity Guest Appearances: Keep an eye out for surprise appearances by your favourite comedians and internet personalities. You never know who might drop by for some laughs! 📅 Regular Uploads: We're committed to brightening your day regularly, so be sure to hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications. You won't want to miss a single chuckle-inducing moment! Join the Fun: Join our ever-growing community of laughter lovers. Don't forget to like, share, and comment on your favourite videos. We love hearing from you and sharing the joy of laughter together. So, grab some popcorn, get comfortable, and get ready to burst into fits of laughter with [Funny Videos]. Subscribe now, and let the fun begin! Remember, life is better when you're laughing, and here, the fun never stops!

How Does a 18-Year-Old Multi-Millionaire Spend His Money | Manjeet Singh Sangha


Selling products online has made this 18 year old $30k a day Manjeet was born in a small city near Berlin, Germany, and dreamt of owning a business since his childhood. He had the desire of owning fast cars, and lavish houses, watches, etc. At the age of 13, Manjeet began a jewelry business, but it didn't work. This didn't discourage him as he possessed a positive attitude; he learned from the failure and worked hard on it. At 17 years of age, Manjeet dropped out of his school to follow his childhood dream of owning a business. He saw the rise of the dropshipping industry which caught his eye. Desirichkid felt that the dropshipping industry would boom in the future and began his business. In the beginning, the business was slow, but Manjeet's creative marketing and campaigning gamered some attention online. Gradually, his business grew and at present, he runs more than six online stores, which controls big e-commerce brands, where he is pulling figures and is reaching close to 7-figure profit per month via his marketing. O Vinur