Islams sande DNA


ISLAM ER EN RELIGIØST DREVET POLITISK IDEOLOGI Det er der heldigvis flere og flere, der er ved at opdage, MEN... Da jeg i sin tid opdagede Islams Sande DNA, var der én ting, jeg undrede mig over: HVORFOR ER DER EN HIMMELRÅBENDE MANGEL PÅ DOKUMENTATION??? For hvis kritikken skal give en ordentlig respons, skal den naturligvis være veldokumenteret... Savner du også information, der er solidt underbygget? Vil du gerne have viden, du kan bruge i samtaler i dagligdagen? Så er du kommet til rette sted, for uanset hvad der kommer herfra: VI HAR KILDERNE I ORDEN! Velkommen til Hjørnesparket - Islams Sande DNA! Abonnér - det koster GRATIS og hjælper kanalen til at være synlig...



Welcome to our miniatures channel! Join us as we show you step by step instructions on how to make miniatures! We make EVERYTHING miniature from food to doll toys to accessories and so much more! You may even see us make miniatures with some of the hottest characters in TV shows and movies! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE and come back every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday for new miniatures videos! Be sure to leave us a comment with your miniature requests too! Thanks for watching!



THIS Channel Is Platform To Share The SAVING Knowledge Of Jesus Christ (Through The Gospel Of Jesus Christ) With EVERYONE Willing To Listen To THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH (The ENTIRE Holy Bible, And Specifically, The Gospel Of Jesus Christ; Including, Holy Bible Prophecy) And Our Biblical WorldView – Through SOUND HOLY BIBLE BIBLICAL DOCTRINE; Our Goal Is To Encourage Others To Acknowledge GOD Almighty’s Amazing SAVING Grace AND To Accept GOD Almighty’s FREE GIFT OF SALVATION (Which COMES ONLY – THROUGH Jesus Christ); Thereby, Joining Us (The Body Of Christ, The Bride Of Christ, ALL Truly “Born Again” Fellow Believers – Children Of GOD Almighty), And Receiving Unto Themselves THE HOPE OF EVERLASTING LIFE; BEFORE, IT’S TOO LATE FOR THEM; And To Be An Encouragement For Those, Who Are Already Part Of The Body Of Christ, As We Endure The Last Days, The End Times, THE LAST HOUR, BEFORE Jesus Christ COMES – FOR HIS BRIDE (That’s Us), AT The PRE-Tribulation Being CAUGHT UP Together Of The Church!

Barbie and Friends Verified


This channel is dedicated to vintage Barbie dolls, as well as a few other types of fashion dolls, including ones that I create, along with the original outfits and ones I design and make myself. I'm a doll photographer as well as a story teller. Don't miss the Barbie soap-opera on this channel, starting with 'Part One.' New episodes every week. It's fun to view, bringing a retro (early 1960's) Barbie world into view with animated dolls, romance and drama! Please like and subscribe if you enjoy this content! Also see... **Never Woke Books | from Havenwyck Media, by D. A. Riley for children and adults. Supporting traditional values and marriage. NON woke, safe for all ages. D. A. Riley is a writer, artist and patriot who is committed to providing quality books for kids and adults. She writes and illustrates all of her books, and is currently working on a graphic novelette, Beauty and the Beast, of about 175 written pages not including full color illustrations. Beauty and the Beast is projected to be finished and in print this fall 2024. Other children's books are also being outlined at this time, so stay tuned! ✟🇺🇸 **No AI is ever used at any level in D. A. Riley's creative process. “Beatrice Potter, when asked why she used such advanced language in her children's books, said, “Children love big words!" I could not agree more. Read to your little ones as often as you can, and then take time to define difficult words, or have them look up the words right then in a dictionary! They will become more and more articulate as a result, and one day they will thank you!” ~~D. A. Riley This channel is a NON WOKE space. Safe for all ages.