Satisfying blackheads and whiteheads removal
44 FollowersChannel for pimple addicts
Channel for pimple addicts
This is where the Great Spirit meets the Distilled Spirit! Ani's direct approach to life, the universe and the spaces between raises more than a few eyebrows. Not for the feeble-minded. Cosmic space adventurers welcome. Let the spirit inhabit the human!
Welcome to Legends and Legacies, where produce captivating stories of individuals from all walks of life, spanning every corner of the globe and every era of history. Our channel is a treasure trove of mini-biographies, offering a glimpse into the lives of remarkable people who have left an amazing mark on the world.
Depois de um dia estressante o que você faz para relaxar? Se a resposta for sair da frente da tela do computador (ou do celular), está na hora de rever os seus conceitos. Isso porque a solução para problemas como estresse, ansiedade e até insônia pode estar exatamente na internet, mais precisamente no YouTube, nos aclamados vídeos de ASMR. Eles vêm se tornando cada vez mais populares. No próprio YouTube, já há canais especializados na produção desse tipo de "conteúdo". Enquanto isso, na Twitch, uma categoria específica reúne streamers fazendo transmissões ao vivo de ASMR. Vídeos Satisfatórios | #satisfatorios
Learn how to identify hybrids. In our world today, race mixing is at astronomical proportions. People used to keep their bloodlines clean and this was, is and will ever be the heavenly Father’s will. Kind after kind is a theme of the scriptures and is important to maintain health in mind, body and spirit. An hybrid is at chaos within itself and is prone to many diseases of the mind and body which creates confusion within and without itself. It is perfectly natural to mate with your own kind and is important to keep the bloodline pure.
Don’t follow the Science, follow the Silenced
3 Cats and 1 Dog and the insane troubles that they are involved in!
Welcome to the chronicles of history that was never covered in high school. This is for the extreme, the unexpected, the untold and the flat-out weird parts of history. Because as weird as people seem today, we don’t hold a candle to history.
The official channel of the Sandpoint Seventh-day Adventist Church. Making disciples for Jesus Christ and proclaiming the everlasting gospel of the Three Angels' Messages to all people. We are Bible-believing Christians who base our faith, hope, and future in Jesus Christ. The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a mainstream, protestant denomination with more than 19 million members worldwide. Our worship services start at 10:55AM on Saturdays, the seventh day of the week, following Jesus’ example and the admonition of the Ten Commandments. Come by and visit us in person at 2235 Pine St. in Sandpoint, Idaho or check out our website for more info.
My channel for the most interesting and iconic interrogations and Body cam Footage
Sandi McGuire interviews guests who make a difference in the body of Christ.
Aliensandscience is about sharing aliens and science facts and ideas, stories, art, conversations and memes! Aliensandscience is the perfect way to stay informed and entertained!
Health Show
Catholic faith based content
This channel about news, sport, technologi, film, issue, hobby, traveling, health, government
🇺🇸Proud Conservative Republican🇺🇸⭐️2024 U.S. Congress (NC-1) ⭐️Entrepreneur 🌺Wife & Mother🌺#ProTrump #ProVets #ProWall #Pro2nd #ProLife #MAGA
ISLAM ER EN RELIGIØST DREVET POLITISK IDEOLOGI Det er der heldigvis flere og flere, der er ved at opdage, MEN... Da jeg i sin tid opdagede Islams Sande DNA, var der én ting, jeg undrede mig over: HVORFOR ER DER EN HIMMELRÅBENDE MANGEL PÅ DOKUMENTATION??? For hvis kritikken skal give en ordentlig respons, skal den naturligvis være veldokumenteret... Savner du også information, der er solidt underbygget? Vil du gerne have viden, du kan bruge i samtaler i dagligdagen? Så er du kommet til rette sted, for uanset hvad der kommer herfra: VI HAR KILDERNE I ORDEN! Velkommen til Hjørnesparket - Islams Sande DNA! Abonnér - det koster GRATIS og hjælper kanalen til at være synlig...
My Collection of Movies and Shows that are Old, but hey, still Gold.
Welcome to our miniatures channel! Join us as we show you step by step instructions on how to make miniatures! We make EVERYTHING miniature from food to doll toys to accessories and so much more! You may even see us make miniatures with some of the hottest characters in TV shows and movies! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE and come back every Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday for new miniatures videos! Be sure to leave us a comment with your miniature requests too! Thanks for watching!
Starseed, Creator, Self Discovery Coach, Astrology/Numerology, Pleiadian, White Mirror, Magical Muse
This channel features fun DIY projects, crafts, quick tips, and short videos that will teach you arts you can do at home with existing supplies. The channel is fit to find some quick crafts to engage your kids at home without having to arrange for the materials. It also has kitchen hacks, experiments, décor ideas, and a lot of do-it-yourself content. Make sure you check out their playlist on what to do when you’re bored. ♥️Thank you so much 🙏
Place for me to live out loud... ask questions that feel important to me, engage in Conscious Conversation with others across the globe.
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