King James Bible Readings


This is my second time at reading the entire King James Bible online. The first time was on Youtube back in 2017 - 2018. Since Youtube is now getting ready to censor everyone and everything that is either Godly or truthful, I\'ve decided to do it all again right here. Just like before, I am making each chapter of the bible that I read, it\'s own individual video. God blesses all of us who take His words seriously enough to actually read them and even more so when we share them with others. God bless you all.



My YouTube Imports. A modern collection of audiobooks mixed with gameplay to create a visual experience to better immerse yourself I some of the best books ever written. BUT RUMBLE is for my EXCLUSIVE content. I will be playing games like Call of Duty, The Division 2 and other post-apocalyptic games while LISTENING to conspiracy audiobooks, lectures and interviews. With small NEWS segments at the beginning setting up the theme of the video. My 20 year plus self-education/expertise is mostly in Freemasonry, Anthropology, Nazi secret operations and my no1 topic is HOLLOW EARTH. (just so you know what your getting yourself into lol) Please give me a follow. and Streaming is VERY new to me so have patience. Navigate to my YouTube channel for more links to socials, referral links and donation pages. I have an Etsy page for anyone fascinated with OLD UFO classic Canvases I have colorized using A.I.

Junior Reads


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