St. John Lutheran Church & School - Random Lake


We are God's people gathered to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the means of the Spirit. Our mission is to respond with activities that directly strengthen the Christian faith. St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Missouri Synod congregation (LCMS). In the early 1850\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s, a group of emigrants from Germany settled in Town Sherman and held Lutheran worship services in their log-hut homes. God the Holy Trinity continues to bless St. John Lutheran Church as He has always done through her 165-year history in Sherman Center. While the names and faces have changed, God continues to keep His promise to call, gather, enlighten, and sanctify us through His Word and Spirit. Fifteen pastors preached, taught, baptized, and delivered Christ’s body and blood. Countless teachers taught the children of the congregation and community. Faithful laymen and laywomen gave freely to the congregation’s mission, governance, facilities, fellowship, and acts of service.

Angie's DIY Art, Crafts, Home Decor Fails & Successes


I\'ve taken some of the worst times of my life and created some of the best items that I could have the ability to create. My life was torn down in 2013 when I couldn\'t find a position in the healthcare field. I was highly paid, but the roll-out of certain legislation forced the businesses that I worked with had to settle for lower-paying workers. Other events like riots in my neighborhood have forced me indoors and depressed. To fight circumstances, I had to fight back by creating. I can\'t sit still and simmer in depression, I HAD to CREATE! \n\nThis channel will show you my successes, and failures during my journey. I am strong, I am confident, I am making gains every single day and invite you to come one my journey. Let\'s get through this together. \n\n#DIY, Crafting, crafts, diy home decor, positive energy, uplifting, encouraging, depression, mental illness, created for a purpose, laughter, love, victory over depression, life changing mentality, you are beautiful, you are wonderful

Elegant Natalia Sense will enchant you with her grace!


Hello Everyone! I am Natalia from Ukraine. Welcome to My Sport&Style Art Channel! I am a Creator of Yoga Art and Stretching Art. Yoga Art and Stretching Art has Become a Popular YouTube Trend Followed by Millions of Viewers Around the World and Copied by Millions of YouTube Channels! Inspired by Renaissance Beauty and Art, I am Combining as Visual Creative Arts — Stretching Skills and Yoga Exercises, Music and Fashion, Visual Design Ideas and More! Yoga and Art are the Best for Mind, Body and Soul. When Yoga is Art, Art is Yoga, Art is Our Life! And We are All — the Creators! I am Grateful to Every Subscriber of My Channel ❤️ Grateful to YouTube for Being the Best Platform in the Universe, for Being Universal Platform to Unite Hearts, Souls and Minds! I Believe Yoga, YouTube, Beauty and Art Always Unite Hearts! Support My Channel ❤️ PayPal ~ Instagram ~ My Published Books ~