

The AUP is an inspiring initiative to unite all Albertans to protect their interests and future prosperity by the only means possible, Alberta Independence. I created this channel to get my message out to all Albertans. Alberta is worth Unifying Albertans to fight for the preservation and protection of the fundamental ideals, values, and freedoms that have been foundational to the success of Western Civilization; and for which so many have given their lives in two World Wars and several international peace-keeping roles where freedoms were in jeopardy.

The Miranda Project Verified


Welcome we are The Miranda Project. This is a political commentary podcast seen through the lens of minorities straight out of The Bronx, NY. Politics ain't fun we know, but it is important to know what is going on in that world. Knowledge is power and so often we relinquish that power because we are not interested or because it's boring. So we at the Project decided that we won't give that power up and we will try and share as best we can. See We The People stands for something and we want to share with all that are willing to listen.