Sumerian Astrology


About Sidereal Astrology (True Sky Astrology) uses the astronomical placements of the planets in the constellations. Sumerian Astrology uses the the original meanings of the planets and constellations as they were in Sumer, as well as some elements of Babylonian Astrology. Sumerian astrology dates back to at least 3100 BCE. It was adopted by the Babylonians who reduced the sidereal zodiac to the 12 signs still used in tropical astrology and Jyotisha (Vedic astrology). Sidereal astrology uses the literal placement of the planets in the constellations. Tropical astrology recons the vernal point (spring equinox) as 0 degrees of Aries, despite it not being 0 degrees of Aries for over 2,000 years. Babylonian astrology was adopted by the Greeks, who created and applied both the element-modality system and erroneous planetary-rulership system to ancient astrology, resulting in inaccurate associations, which remain in use in modern astrology, and influenced Jyotish (Vedic astrology) heavily.

Haoto 葉音 - Anime on Piano


ファイトだよ! Accurate, Advanced, Artistic, Anime Arrangements. There's other content as well. Hi, I'm Shawn, alias Haoto. I'm a Cantonese INFJ Anime Musician Entertainer Video Editor YouTuber. List of interests : Music Composing/Arranging, Entertainment, Psychology, Literature, Documentary, Filmmaking, Choreography, Story-Writing (Novels, Manga, etc), Photography, Drawing (Character Designing too) & Fumofumo. If you want to use my work, ask me in the YouTube Comment Section or on Twitter. My other profiles are linked above & below. ==========\ Links /========== [My Music Sheets] : [Software & Equipment I use] : [Channel Artworks] : ==========\ Watermarks /========== [Kumiko] : [Maki] :

Canal do Prof. Robson Oliveira


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Toda la verdad, Primero


La misión de TLV1 es el compromiso por la verdad, llevando a toda nuestra audiencia una programación multidisciplinaria en donde la Verdad prime. Consideramos imprescindible la defensa de la soberanía territorial, política, económica y cultural como así también el restablecimiento de los valores morales que hacen al desarrollo y espíritu de los argentinos. De esta manera intentaremos mostrarle un amplio panorama para que usted aprecie nuestra óptica, distinta de los actuales medios masivos de comunicación.