A Struggle for Peace and Justice


Welcome to the 'Palestine: A Struggle for Peace and Justice' channel, where we delve deep into the complex and enduring conflict in the Middle East. Our goal is to provide a platform for informed discussions, analysis, and a better understanding of the historical, political, and humanitarian aspects of the Palestine-Israel conflict. Join us as we explore the narratives, stories, and perspectives from both sides of the conflict, aiming to foster empathy, dialogue, and awareness. Our channel will feature documentaries, interviews, expert analyses, and personal testimonies that shed light on the challenges and aspirations of the Palestinian people, as well as the broader geopolitical context. Subscribe to stay informed, engage in constructive conversations, and become a part of the solution to this long-standing issue. Together, we can work towards a future where peace, justice, and dignity prevail for all in the region.

California Freedom Alliance


The California Freedom Alliance was made to protect Californians God Given Rights. Its goal is to make the people of California Free. The alliance will combat any Totalitarian mandates coming from Washington DC and the State Government. California Freedom Alliance is Pro Life and supports the United States Constitution first 10 amendments. The Alliance will work to protect the rights to Life, Liberty and Happiness. Please join the alliance to help further these goals. Here is the alliance Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7i7r29bTwraAJiAtpyKbKw Please subscribe to it. Also, please join our facebook group and are alternative media such as Gab, Bitchute Parler, Ugetube and minds.com. You can join our email malling list for events by writing californiafreedomalliance@gmail.com For more information please check out californiafreedomalliance.com God Bless!

Small Family Adventures


Life is an adventure. It's not sitting in front of millions of pixels on a screen playing games or binge watching other people's stories as the depression on the seat of your couch gets bigger. Life is getting out there and doing something. Life is seeing the world in the best way you can. Life is getting off the couch of complacency and creating your own storyline. It is having family game nights and silly taste tests. Life is cooking for yourself instead of buying premade meals. Life is trying to grow your own food. You can do this. Life is reading the Good Book and using it as a light in your adventure. Are you into long drives, cooking food, gardening or studying the Bible. If you are into any of these things then Follow along as we take our adventures. They may be small but they are OUR adventures. From our family to yours, have an awesome day!

A Better Life in Small Steps


Welcome to my channel! Here, I dive into the transformative power of small steps and persistence to create meaningful change. You’ll find episodes from the Start with Small Steps podcast, where I delve into personal growth, living successfully, and finding the courage to make positive changes one step at a time. I also cover topics like books, entertainment, and fascinating historical insights. Plus, tune in to The Buzz, Blossom, and Squeak podcast, where we chat about the wonders of nature right outside your door. Join me for videos that inspire your journey with wisdom, humor, adventure, and a touch of grit!



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