The Weather'd Report


"The only winning move is, not to play the game!" and That is what The Weather'd Report is all about Me and my co-hosts will discuss and debate the news of the day while steering the listeners to a realm where you are the master of your success. From Survival to Art, from Music to Gardening, from practical living to prepping for emergencies. Our listeners will find something to grab on to, something to sink there teeth into and learn that freedom must be taken, it cannot be given to you

The Awakened Heart Collective


The Awakened Heart Collective shares messages from souls who have awakened to an open-hearted, joyful and intentional way of living. My aim is to inspire our listeners with conversations where vulnerability, courage, and love are the keys to living a life full of deeper purpose, unconditional self love, and consistent growth. The Awakened Heart Collective is also for those on the path to intuitive heart based living and seeking TRUTH above the noise of censorship and and propaganda. Through potently inspiring conversations with courageous souls who help us see beyond the narrative, we will awaken our powerful selves and reclaim our sovereignty Whether you are a curious beginner on the path to awakening or experienced leader holding the light, its time to listen, learn and empower.

The Diamond Heart Matrix


As a representative of the Secondary Indigo Maji Grail line of the Ruby Sun DNA and as a soul holding Founder Level Guardian consciousness, I vow to uphold the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One upon this planet and live as a physical embodiment of my Avatar Christ Self contained within the perfected Diamond Sun DNA of my original divine blueprint. I promise to live from a space of unconditional love, integrity and transparent truth. May this help to restore the Emerald Covenant upon this beloved Earth, returning all lost souls within the phantom spaces back to their organic source. It is my intention to act as a humble servant to help all higher dimensional souls trapped in the Phantom Matrix to reclaim their direct connection with Source and remember their Earthly mission. May all souls reunite with their true original God spirit as a divine spark contained within the Diamond Heart of the Eternal One. - Megan

Calvary Prophecy Report


I have been teaching Bible prophecy and how it relates to current events for nearly two decades. You can find me listed on Who's Who In Bible Prophecy as one of the top Bible prophecy experts of our generation. I am an author, teacher, speaker and founder of My website provides Biblical insight into current world events and prophecy updates that keep you informed as to where we are on God's prophetic calendar. I emphasize a pre-tribulation rapture of the church and the soon coming seven-year peace treaty with Israel. I have authored and charted a chronological timeline that details the events of the tribulation period, Millennium, judgments, and the Eternal State. I also have a tribulation period survival section for those left behind. This channel is dedicated to teaching the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and presenting videos that describe the signs leading up to the rapture and events of the tribulation period.