Baldi's Basics in Scolping and Getting Crafter'd


Champion Gamer's dad takes on Baldi's Basics in Education and Learning, utilizing his old skool video game skillz plus his never-seen-before patented method for escaping Baldi's skool that has come to be known as the "Scolp and Crafter'd" method for crushing Baldi's hopes for a ruler-ey butt whooping! The method involves intentionally walking into Sock Puppet's glare and then using a BSODA to stall him while getting the 3rd exit and then getting warped to escape out the front of the school. It's not easy but it's the best way to get style points FTW!

TheDiamondKingPodcast: Jewelry, Gems, Diamonds, and Precious Metal MFG


The Diamond King PodCast brings local business owners and clients of Deboscq Jewlery into the studio to chat with Aaron about a wide variety of topics. With 22 years of jewelry making experience Aaron Capdeboscq has created breathtaking creations for jewelry enthusiasts all over Louisiana and beyond. From beautiful colored gemstone creations to intricate diamond engagement rings, his creative works of art have adorned countless members of the Mandeville community over the years. Head on over to our website to see inventory and for any inquiries. #jewelry #manufacturing #podcast

Getting Ready For The Golden Age


Earth, is waking up, along with all inhabitants including Human Beings, animal and plant kingdoms, have started their Ascension from 3D reality to 5D reality, and beyond. Join me as I assist in this Great Awakening of the Human race, by providing Channeled information from many Benevolent Galactics, Ascended Masters, Avatars, Archangels, etc., so I can play my part in broadcasting & sharing this out with everyone & adding this to the Collective Consciousness, along with insight, guidance, knowledge and wisdom, regarding all topics related to this Ascension, various Advanced Quantum Technologies & lifestyles, etc. The Age of prosperity for all, unconditional love, joy, beauty, universal compassion and equality for all, is rapidly headed our way. Lets get ready to welcome it with open arms! Services: For Spiritual Guidance, Spiritual Development, Personal Evolution, Life Coaching, Meditation or Preparation, Contact: Telegram: Our Channels: Youtube: Bitchute: Rumble: Telegram: (English+Hindi)

The Power of Neutrality - Get Neutral And Change Happens Verified


Get Neutral - and change will happen So, what IS Neutrality? Merriam-Webster defines neutrality as “not supporting any side or position”. Some see neutral as uncommitted, disinterested, apathetic or passive. OUR definition of neutral is a state where all possibilities have EVEN energy - with NO emotional "charge" on *A* desired outcome. Energetic indifference - if you will Paradoxically, neutrality's energetic evenness allows for MORE energy to attract/manifest what we SAY we want (i.e.the REAL law-of-attraction begins with neutrality, not intention/focus) When we're neutral, bothers no longer inhibit/limit us from our full human potential Get Neutral Website: (no paywall, ever) LinkTree: This channel, information and articles linked are for entertainment purposes only. Please read and understand the disclaimer before perusing the content

Keys To The Jet Podcast


A podcast about being a Military Aircraft Maintainer, designed by Aircraft Maintainers. A place where stories and memories of being in Aircraft Maintenance can be shared with all Maintainers from every branch. Join us where we plan to share the good, the bad, and the ugly of being in Military Aviation Maintenance in a lighthearted and goofy way as only maintainers can. A place where we will also share resources for Veterans and Active Duty each and every show to do our part in helping our country's war fighter both past and present.