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نتشرف بتقديم لكم قناة (الهدف أو Das Ziel) لتبسيط كل ما هو صعب ومعقد في المجلات الأتية ١.اللغة الألمانية تعلم معنا اللغة الألمانية بأبسط صورها عن طريق الألوان والجداول والرسومات التوضيحية حتى مستوى C1 . ٢. أمتحان IHK für Bus & LKW مساعدة أحبائنا العرب في تبسيط كل الأمور المتعلقة بأمتحان IHK الخاص بالحافلات والشاحنات. أهم شئ (المتابعة الجدية) لذالك لاتنسى الاشتراك بالقناة وتفعيل زر الجرس لأعلامك بكل ما هو جديد على قناة Das Ziel أتمنى التوفيق للجميع ولكم مني فائق الأحترام والتقدير... أخوكم Nabil G

Join RUDEUS & have fun in our community


Gaming with Rudeus Get ready for some epic wins (and maybe a few rage quits) with Rudeus! This channel is all about gaming adventures with Rudeus Greyrat, your guide to the fantastical worlds of RPGs, strategy games, and everything in between. Whether you're a seasoned gamer or a curious newbie, Rudeus brings his unique perspective – knowledge from a past life combined with the excitement of a second chance – to every playthrough. Expect: High-energy gameplay: Rudeus throws himself into every game, strategizing, exploring, and battling with infectious enthusiasm. Expert analysis: Despite his past life's regrets, Rudeus brings a wealth of gaming knowledge to the table. He'll break down mechanics, optimize builds, and share valuable tips for viewers of all skill levels. Hilarious commentary: Get ready for some laughs! Rudeus isn't afraid to poke fun at himself and the games he plays, keeping things light and entertaining. A touch of fan service: Fans of Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation will enjoy seeing Rudeus in action, wielding his magic and facing challenges in a new digital landscape. So, buckle up and join Rudeus on his gaming journey! You're in for a wild ride.

Devocional Promessas de Deus


Vídeos Matinais Diários: 06:00h Graça e Paz, Seja bem-vindo ao canal Devocional Promessas de Deus - Clássicos Cristãos. A bíblia está cheia de promessas relativas à oração e nosso relacionamento com Deus baseia-se na aliança da graça. Essa aliança é um feixe de promessas de Deus para seu povo. Precisamos compreender o valor e resultados provenientes do devocional diário. Então seremos estimulados a trazê-lo para a experiência diária. E ao fazê-lo, entraremos numa dimensão mais profunda de intimidade com o Senhor. Jesus ensinou a nos colocarmos diariamente diante do Pai Celeste e buscar Sua provisão para aquele dia. E quanto ao dia seguinte? Devemos voltar a buscar ao Senhor a cada novo dia. Para nos conduzir nessa jornada diária trago inicialmente à obra de Charles H. Spurgeon. Teremos devocional diariamente e músicas tranquilas para meditar na palavra de Deus. Que juntos possamos crescer na graça e conhecimento do nosso Senhor e Salvador, Jesus Cristo. Deus abençoe muitíssimo