

Not a warm and fuzzy place for Libtards to hang out. We know election fraud when we see it. Denying is not debunking. We have seen video proof of Demwits dragging hidden cases of fraudulent Biden ballots out from under a table after kicking out poll watchers; we will never un-see this. We have seen affidavits from hundreds of direct witnesses to election fraud in each of the swing states. We will never un-see these. We have heard testimony of election fraud presented by direct witnesses before state legislatures. We will never un-hear those testimonies. We will NEVER forget the despicable things the left did to undermine the integrity of our American election. Un-Americans who admire the likes of Pelosi, Schiff, Harris, Biden, Schumer, and the rest of their gang will not like it here. Those 8 people who watch CNN should find some other channel as well. Blue lives matter. White Lives Matter. Black Lives Matter. All Lives Matter. God Condemn ALL violent rioters, including BLM, Antifa, and those who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021. God Condemn the left for conspiring to divide Americans along lines of race, gender, orientation, religion, and socio-economic status. God Bless America. God Bless ALL patriotic, flag-waving, law-abiding Americans. WE WILL NOT GO AWAY.

Weight Loss Before And After


How to lose weight? What is healthy weight loss? It is natural for anyone who wants to lose weight to want to do it quickly. However, the evidence shows that people who lost weight gradually and steadily (1 to 2 pounds per week) had better results in keeping it off. Losing weight in a healthy way is not just about following a diet or program. It is a lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular physical activity. Once you've reached a healthy weight, rely on healthy eating and physical activity to help maintain your new weight for the long term. Losing weight is not easy, and it requires commitment. But if you're ready to get started, we've got a step-by-step guide to help you down the road to weight loss and better health. Even moderate weight loss can bring great benefits The good news is that no matter what your weight-loss goal is, even if you lose a modest amount, such as 5-10% of your total body weight, you will likely have beneficial health outcomes, such as improvements in blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose.1 For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, a 5% weight loss equals 10 pounds, so your weight would drop to 190 pounds. While this weight may still be within the range for overweight or obesity, this modest loss may lower your risk factors for chronic obesity-related diseases. Although the overall goal seems huge, see it as a road ahead rather than a final destination. You will be able to learn new eating and physical activity habits that will help you lead a healthier life. These new habits can help keep the weight off over time. For example, a study that included participants from the National Weight Control Registryexternal icon found that those who lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off reported improvements not only in their physical health, but on your energy level, physical mobility, general mood, and self-esteem. Do you want to know more? How to start View our step-by-step guide to help get you on the road to weight loss and better health. How to improve your eating habits Your eating habits may be the cause of your weight gain; For example, eating too fast, always finishing everything on your plate, eating when you're not hungry, and skipping meals (or maybe just breakfast). How not to regain lost weight Losing weight is the first step. Once you've lost weight, learn how to avoid gaining it back. Bibliographic references 1Reference for 5%: Blackburn G. (1995). Effect of degree of weight loss on health benefits. Obesity Research 3: 211S-216S. 2 Reference for 10%: NIH, NHLBI Obesity Education Initiative. Clinical Guidelines for the Identification, Evaluation and Treatment of Overweight and Obesity in Adults. Available on the Internet:

Dominic Fonte, Realtor


For over 33 years Dominic has been helping families buy and sell their homes. Over 2,300 families have asked Dominic Fonte to be their Realtor! He is the recipient of the 2020 Presidents Sales Club Award of Excellence. Dominic's priorities include God, family and Real Estate and he is proud to be an Eagle Scout. What's your home worth? ___ Website: Reviews: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Google+: LinkedIn: Zillow: