This channel exists to motivate Christians and others to think through what it means to be a Constitutional Republic. A Republic wherein the highest earthly authority is first the Constitution and then We The People.\nElected people are not the authority, they are the servants. Sadly, too many in elected office and unelected positions have forgotten their place and need a stern reminder...
Deeper Christian Life
learn how to make festive handmade crafts
Christian Music Videos show how Christians worship in many ways.
ChristianRoots Canada seeks to impact tomorrow’s future by appreciating yesterday’s past. We trace God's providential History from Daniel Chapter 2, seeing Canadian History as a continuum of the establishing of Christ's Kingdom to the 21st Century. We start our journey in France with the Protestant Reformation and follow God's providence into our modern Canada.
Christian Outreach Fellowships is a Non-Denominational Church. We are dedicated to glorifying God. We preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and help people understand and apply this Gospel in their daily lives. So they can have an intimate relationship with God our Father and Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. You can find hundreds of other teachings on our website.
Open Christian University is a Nonprofit 501(c)(3) Tax Exempted Religious Corporation, Licensed to Operate as a Private Post-Secondary Institution by the State of California (USA). The University Offers Online Christian Education and a Blended Experience through its Transnational Study Centres Across the Five Continents
Ednoise6's Christmas Playlist
Christian, salvation, redemption, adoption, forgiveness, justification, worship, devotions, praise, the trinity, sin, heaven, hell, faith, fear, family, bible, church, evangelism, and all things Bible. Also things like end times, eschatology, Revelation, The Rapture, Great Tribulation, and the Bema Seat.
What's up cool people? My name's Matt. I'm a Christian. I'm a gamer. And this channel's just kinda me doing my thing.
Dominion Sonship Christian Ministry is a teaching Ministry of the Word of God to empower the believer to live the life found in the Son of God to the full, a life of dominion in Jesus Christ and freedom in the Holy Spirit.
Followers of Jesus Christ
A channel dedicated to syndicating the prophecies of the greatest Modern Christian Prophets
Bible Christian Page Inspired By My Channel Called "Stand Your Ground & Give Glory To God Daily."
Raise Godly Generations with Steven Andrew | Family, Friends, Church and USA
Defending America's Christian moral order.
To help Christians overcome the biggest obstacles in the way of realising our God-given potential
DelMarVa Christian Fellowship is an independent Bible believing church. We place a strong emphasis on preaching the Word of God, youth work, and the proclamation of the Gospel both locally and internationally. Fundamentally speaking, we are as liberal as the Bible permits, and as conservative as the Bible demands. The purpose of DelMarVa Christian Fellowship is to mature disciples of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Would you join us?
Athens Bible Church Congregational Worship - Piano, Song Leader and Congregation
Chardon Christian Fellowship is a place to worship freely, grow spiritually, minister effectively, and become part of a family. Our goal is to help Christ followers exalt the name of the Lord, to equip them in the Word, and to spread the Gospel near and far.
Prayer is not a magical oration to get things done. It is not only for the saints & the holy, nor solely for the select, nor for the intelligent, the clever, and the highly educated. It is for the masses, for every person, for the whole world! Prayer is our way of opening our hearts & communicating with God. As Christians, we believe that God created the universe, all we know, & even what we do not know. To maintain our connection with our Maker, constantly touching base with Him is a must. We have received the privilege of talking to the Almighty. KATHAKO VideoStudio welcomes you to The Prayerful Christian Channel. Our prayer collections will guide you to many of the familiar, most sought, & popular prayers, inspiring and encouraging you to carry on communicating with God in your own words. Although the best place to pray is in private, in the silence of your chosen refuge, we can pray at any time. We can communicate with God while walking, driving, or working. God bless us all!
Our purpose is to glorify God by forming a local congregation of the Church of Christ which will carry out the great commission of the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in the New Testament of the Word of God (Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15-16). This congregation will provide opportunity for Christian people to continue steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayers (Acts 2:42), and prepare them for works of service (Ephesians 4:12).
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