LapiSan Laboratory


Welcome to the LapiSan Laboratory in the Pazara Archipelago. Here the researcher couple Dr. Anima Heart and Prof. Alexander Dyce along with their team work on novel medicine for Pokémon, as well as insights into the exact effects of certain stones and artifacts. This area contains dozens of Pokémon that were too old, sick or abandoned and found a safe home, but also prehistoric creatures that once ruled our known world. In addition to legendary stories and exciting adventures on the countless journeys of the scientists, the largest encyclopedia about previously unexplored forms of (Mega) Evolutions, Dynamax, Paradox Pokémon, creatures that are considered extinct and many other mysteries is being created here. Of course, the so-called Pazara Archipelago, including its geography, culture, myths and Pokémon living here, is also examined in more detail. Anyone who wants to present their research results to a broad audience and visit us is always a welcome guest in our little idyll.

Zaboravljena Istina


Što je istina? Sigurno se svatko to barem jednom u životu upitao. Božja Riječ - Biblija će vam dati odgovor na to pitanje. Kanal Zaboravljena Istina će vam prikazati taj odgovor. Možda vas iznenadi ili čak šokira. Istina je zaboravljena. Istina o stvaranju, životu i smrti, spasenju pa i o samom Bogu. Pozivamo vas da sve predrasude, prethodna uvjerenja i mišljenja ostavite na trenutak po strani i objektivno sagledate ono što ćemo vam iznijeti. Biblija daje odgovor na svako pitanje, ismijavanje, dvojbu, kritiku i sve što vas muči. "Zaboravljena Istina" će vam prikazati taj odgovor onakav kakav on jest. Vaše je da poslušate i sami provjerite kroz Bibliju činjenice koje iznosimo.