The beauty of nature around the world-جمال الطبيعة حول العالم

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The beauty of nature around the world Beautiful views above the ground, such as parks, forests, attraجمال الطبيعة حول العالم المناظرالجميلة فوق سطح الأرض مثل المنتزهات والغابات والمعالم السياحية والمناظر الجميلة فى قاع البحار والمحيطات مثل الشعاب المرجانية والأسماك الملونةctions, and beautiful views at the bottom of the seas and oceans such as coral reefs and colorful fish.

Beauty Of Nature

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Nature around man is distinguished by its beauty, which is mainly due to the wonderful diversity of living things that exist in various parts of the earth, as well as the unique terrain of mountains, waters, plateaus, and forests, where each one of these terrain is unique with a beauty of a special kind that distinguishes it from other terrains. And this great diversity has provided people with wide spaces to search for calm, tranquility, and tranquility, for man by nature is a being who craves beauty, and there is nothing more beautiful than nature.