• Apologetics • Evangelism • Theology


▶ I\\\'m from Norway, living in Slovakia, married, ex.footballer, now self-employed. I wish to present the logic, rationality, evidence materials, and arguments for the Christian faith. Or, as many non-believers think it really is; a blind faith in an old, bearded, evil, sky daddy. \n\n"GOD has NO pleasure in the death of the wicked; but rather that they turn from their ways and live." (Ezekiel 33:11) \n\n I work a daily full-time job, but my goal is to do ministry work part-time. I created a tier called for fun "Buy Me 1 Cup Of Coffee Every Week" - it\\\'s not about coffee, but about keeping me in part-time of doing ministry work. If you find value in my content, and are able to (no pressure!) - PRAYFULLY consider to support me on Patreon, Paypal, or Subscribestar. \n\nI\'m on Rumble because I don\'t speak the language here in Slovakia, so its hard to spread the Gospel here - but I do speak English. So... Dear Rumble; Jesus rose again!

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Lennon Luthier & Georgie Girl - Animal Charity Luthier


I am the free charity Luthier - I fix guitar, banjos and ukes, etc... I don't charge (except for parts) but I ask clients to donate to my favourite charity is: Assisi Animal Shelter in Bangor County Down. I don't ask them to donate a particular amount; I leave that to them AFTER they get their guitar back. (Yes, it's called trust.) By the way you can donate too... it's simple. https://www.assisi-ni.org. After trying to play guitar, for 50 years, and discovering that I repair them better than I play them... here I am. This ain't for money... No such thing as a rich man who repairs guitars... I just love guitars. The image is of 'my baby'... a Gretsch... it looks mighty purty.