

Welcome to TrendLines Through Time, where data meets storytelling! Our channel delves into fascinating trends and variations across various topics through the years, all presented with clear and engaging line graphs. From economic shifts and technological advancements to cultural phenomena and environmental changes, we visualize data to help you see the bigger picture. Join us on a journey through time as we uncover the patterns and stories hidden in the numbers. Subscribe and stay informed with insightful and visually appealing data trends!

Ana Paula - Tarot & Baralho Cigano


Olá, seja muito bem vindo ao Canal Ana Paula - Tarot & Baralho Cigano Meu nome é Ana Paula, nesse canal Realizo tiragens coletivas de tarot, baralho cigano e oráculos sobre vários aspectos da vida, sendo a maioria das tiragens atemporais! Aqui você também desvenda os significados de sonhos e obtém informações sobre os signos do zodíaco. ✅Agende sua Consulta Particular: ◽ E-mail: ◽ Instagram: @anapaulatarot ◽ WhatsApp: (41) 9995-48509 ◽ Blog: Se você gosta de tiragens de tarot, baralho cigano e outros oráculos você esta no lugar certo, pois aqui realizo leituras sobre a vida financeira, profissional, sentimental, carta do dia, o que vêm em seus caminhos e muito mais! Espero que goste!

Sanatana Shaastra


आज सम्पूर्ण विश्व आधुनिकता की ओर अग्रसर है। और इस आधुनिकता का आधार पाश्चात्य एवं रेगिस्तानी संस्कृति एवं आचरण को माना जा रहा है। प्रत्येक व्यक्ति स्वयं को इस विचारधारा में ढालने की होड़ में प्रयासरत है। और इस होड़ में हम अपनी संस्कृति, आचरण एवं धर्म को भुला बैठे हैं। स्थिति यहाँ तक पहुँच गयी है की सनातन संस्कृति के वंशज अपनी ही धरोहर, अपनी संस्कृति की अवमानना में गर्व का अनुभव करते हैं। जो व्यक्ति या समाज अपनी ही नींव खोदने लगे, उस व्यक्ति या समाज को पतन से कौन बचा सकता है ? यह मेरा प्रयास है की हम दोबारा अपने धर्म से जुड़ें, अपने ग्रंथों को समझें और उनमे व्यक्त जीवन विधान एवं मूल्यों का आचरण करें। हमें सनातनी होने पर गर्वान्वित होना चाहिए और वह तभी संभव है जब हम अपनी ज्ञान सम्पदा को जानेंगे। मेरी अपेक्षा है की जो सज्जन इन ग्रंथों को सुनें, वे अपने वंशजों को भी इस ओर प्रेरित करें। भारतवर्ष एक अकेली पुण्य भूमि है जहाँ हमारा अस्तित्व है और हमें हर मूल्य पर ये सुनिश्चित करना होगा कि हम अपने ज्ञान सागर को संजो कर रखने के साथ साथ इसका अनुपालन भी करें। Today the whole world is moving towards modernity. And the basis of this modernity is being considered to be western and desert culture and behavior. Everyone is trying to mold himself in this ideology. And in this race we have forgotten our culture, our conduct and our religion. The situation has reached to such an extent that the descendants of Sanatan culture take pride in contempt of their own heritage, their own culture. Who can save that person or society from downfall which starts digging its own foundation? It is my endeavor that we should reconnect with our religion, understand our scriptures and practice the life rules and values ​​expressed in them. We should be proud of being Sanatani and that is possible only when we know our wealth of knowledge. I hope that the gentlemen who listen to these texts should inspire their descendants also in this direction. Bharatvarsha is the only holy land where we exist and we have to ensure at all costs that we preserve our ocean of knowledge and follow it.

God’s Time Line


Greetings, My Friends! I’d like to start off by explaining what this channel is all about. I have compiled a list outlining the three types of videos to be uploaded. 1. My current project involves producing a complete audio and video reading of the Holy Bible, encompassing both the Old and New Testaments. Each session will be around 30 minutes long and feature accompanying music and text for an engaging experience. I will also apply the same approach to the Book of Mormon. The King James Version (KJV) will be our chosen translation of the Bible. Considering the current times, daily reading helps us to be better prepared for the Lord’s return. 2. I’m thrilled to discuss prophecy as my next topic, sharing incredible insights I’ve discovered. The Unveiling of Revelation: Understanding the Seven Seals as Signs of Christ’s Arrival. Unveiling the Mysteries: The Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, and Iran’s Hidden Agenda. This concept is understood by only a small percentage of the population. Have you heard the prophecy of eight successive Persian Kings leading up to the second coming of Jesus? This will be discussed repeatedly. It’s a matter of utmost importance. 3. In the following part, I’ll be sharing my most important thoughts in a blog-like format. I’ll let you know if I come across something that I think would be helpful to you. I’ll also explore the scriptures, using them to back up my points. If I’m building something, I’ll keep you updated on my progress. My faith in the Lord Jesus Christ inspires me to make a positive impact on people’s lives. I want to be as supportive as possible to those who consider me a friend. With dedication and teamwork, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. Although the world can feel bleak, we are blessed with something precious: the guiding light of Christ. It’s okay to struggle with your faith or question your beliefs about the Almighty. We’ve all faced difficult times, but understanding the truth and having faith will help us through. You’re in the right spot, friend. I strongly believe that starting this channel is crucial. I have gained a profound understanding of prophecy, as many of the events in the scriptures are unfolding in our time. As followers of faith, it is crucial that we endeavor to draw nearer to our Lord each day by embracing faith, prayer, and studying the scriptures. In 2010, I prayed to God to help me grasp the nearness of the second coming of Jesus Christ. The knowledge I have gained is truly remarkable, and it’s awe-inspiring and compels me to share it with those willing to listen. I understand prophecy is currently unfolding, providing insight into the proximity of the 2nd coming which will affect everyone living today. The scriptures will be read and posted on and YouTube as educational video clips. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and a member of “The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.” All believers and faiths are welcome to listen, for I have things in which hardly anyone knows. But you can, and I’m excited to share these things with you. Get ready to hear things you’ve never encountered before, making for an unforgettable experience. Occasionally, I will share videos pertaining to personal projects that I am passionate about. Show and tell was my favorite as a child. Perhaps this suggests that I maintain a youthful spirit, I’ll take it! I have made a discovery regarding prophecy, which I feel compelled to share with you. I have produced an audio podcast, which you can access via the links below. - My main home page - Backup site The topic of fake news versus actual news is a common discussion in today’s world. In reality, the most important news is the word of God. Are you interested in joining me? I’m looking forward to welcoming you. You are loved; you are exceptional, God Bless, Sincerely, Timothy Thompson

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