White Noise Meditation


I want you to feel at peace. That is why I run my channel: To offer a space for you to re balance the relationship between your mind and body through beautiful and calming sounds. I have composed each note with the intention of offering you an aural respite from the noise of everyday life. Sometimes work, school, difficult times etc. can be overwhelming, but I've always found that being surrounded by nature sounds has made all these circumstances more bearable for me. My hope is that my videos can do the same for you. If you have any questions, comments, or requests please let us know in the comment section below! :) Enjoy! Visit: https://linktr.ee/luckymotiv

Deep relaxing white noise


Our vision is to use the superpower of peace to make the world a better and more peaceful place. Meditation has several advantages, including relief from stress, tension, and anxiety. It develops patience, self-acceptance, and self-awareness. And it helps us be more capable of dealing with difficulty and uncertainty. The discipline of simply examining our thoughts, emotions, and experiences. DEEP RELAXING WHITE NOISE helps you relax and fall asleep fast. Browse our channel to find the perfect white noise for you. Also, use these videos while studying, relaxing, or working at the office.

Whiterock Homestead


We're Jason and Tara! A retired NURSE, and RETIRED MARINE. We are following our DREAM, sold everything and moved to Arkansas!! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTAfzBzmqMindsdWDeipTlg/join Merch page:https://www.bonfire.com/store/whiterock-homestead/?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=store_page_share&utm_campaign=whiterock-homestead&utm_content=default Amazon Wishlist:https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1kyc1F1ZkFtYS1Bc1M0VUQ0MzdnOHpZSUF0d3xBQ3Jtc0ttUnV2Rloyc2pfYjVWYTcybnJCM004eDRQT0F0NU1udXUyY1BzbFEzMS1wcFVyVWRZcjJveWxqdG04bXFxZW9UOU83cEdGSHlaZDR6eGxMT1dOVXJxUlIxcEUxTHplcVc4VEZzRWJCU2xRLTVqbTNabw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2Fhz%2Fwishlist%2Fls%2F10ZO3D2R14GDJ%3Fref_%3Dwl_share&v=g1XC8Eh3Am4 Business Email: whiterockhomestead@gmail.com Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/UCTAfzBzmqMindsdWDeipTlg?view_as=subscriber?sub_confirmation=1. Cash App: https://cash.app/$WhiteRockHomestead Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089923745482 DIY homesteaders building our tiny houses and homestead from scratch. Gardening videos and raising chickens, rabbits, and goats as we go. Living debt free and building our sustaining lifestyle. Join us in our weekly videos and enjoy the journey as we are. Make sure to like, comment and subscribe if you are enjoying our videos, Leave us comments of anything you want to see.