Veterans Survival School


In this new and exciting series, we will dive into a variety of topics which include instructional videos, educational videos, travel pictures, and advertising specific classes and courses.  ​ Video Topics List (Detailed): "How To" video series  Advice and Problem Solving Survival Course Listings Survival Educational Topics  Product Reviews  Reaction Videos  First Aid Designed for Wilderness Situations Minuteman Related Topics  Opinions About a Variety of Topics  Brand Advertising and Product Placement  Questions and Answer Sessions  Respond to Viewer Comments, Concerns, and Requests

Veterans for Unity: Voices of Valor


Welcome to Vets4Unity: Voices of Valor. Our nation faces a critical time of division, with political parties treating each other as enemies, which is tearing our great country apart. As veterans, we have made decisions to put our lives on the line to protect the freedoms this nation offers, including freedom of speech, which we now see in danger. We are dedicated to conserving the values we were willing to sacrifice so much for. Join us for discussions where the bravest Americans give their true opinions, sounding the alarm where it needs to be heard. We must fight for unity, as the current path could lead to a divided America—blue states and red states. We believe that Democrats and Republicans are not our enemies; the real threat comes from those pouring money into news media to divide and weaken us, making us vulnerable to our adversaries. United, we stand strong. Divided, we fall. Subscribe to Vets4Unity and be part of the conversation to preserve the United States of America.