King of Kings | Nikos & Pelagia Politis


We are a Christian music ministry, our purpose is to transport the listener to the courts of the Lord, before the Throne of Almighty God. The vision of our ministry is in God's time to gain new members from all over the world who are related to music so that a great ensemble of God's musicians is created that glorifies the almighty God in the whole Earth. Contact us: Εmail: YouTube: #NikosPolitis #christianmusic #christiansongs #NikosPelagiaPolitis

The Paranormal Rundown


The Paranormal Rundown is a sometimes humorous, sometimes serious, and sometimes astounding exploration of a wide variety of paranormal topics. From ghosts to bigfoot to aliens, we discuss it all! A random algorithm chooses the topic from a huge list we have specially created, and off we go! The hosts of the show are Vic Hermanson, the highly intelligent and creative host of the Trailer Trash Terrors podcast; JJ Johnson, an academic scholar in theological studies and host of Southern Demonology; Father Michael Birdsong, a priest and exorcist for the Charismatic Episcopal Church and author of the book Becoming a House of Prayer, and David Griffith, a long time paranormal investigator. For many shows we have a guest join us, bringing extra experiences and stories to the table. Come join us as we take a stroll through the wacky universe in which we live!

Solid Foundation Texas


Славянская Евангельская Церковь - Твёрдое Основание находится в штате Техас, город New Braunfels Служение проходит на Русском и Английском языках. Solid Foundation Evangelical Church Located in New Braunfels, Texas Services Time: Sunday 12:00 pm Thursday 7:00 pm Service in Languages: Russian & English Contact Info ____________________________________________ Have Questions or Prayer Request? У Вас есть вопросы или Молитвенная просьба? Text or Call: (830) 206-8100



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