rápidas e práticas


Olá, meu nome é Edicléia Farias. faço vídeos sobre Receitas tanto doces como salgadas, e dicas valiosas pra te ajudar no dia a dia. Seja muito Bem vindo ao nosso Canal, receitas a jato Inscreva-se e fique por dentro de tudo. Aqui neste canal receitas a jato você encontra vídeos sobre Receitas variadas: Bolos Caseiros, Recheios para Bolo, Sorvete Caseiro, Pudim de Caneca, Pavê, Doce de Leite Caseiro, Bolo no Pote, Tortas, Sobremesas fáceis, Pudins, Bebidas, Pratos Salgados, Tortas Salgadas, Preparo de carnes, Lasanhas, Kibe, Macarrão, Salpicão de Frango, Empadão de Frango, Pão de Queijo, Pão Caseiro, Requeijão Caseiro, Lanches, Pizza caseira, Arroz, Feijão, Massa de Salgado Frito, Massa De Salgado Assado, receita fácil,receita pratica ,receita barata, receitas saudáveis. feito com muito amor e carinho gratidão por voçês fazerem parte dessa família receitas a jato😍🥰😘 tenha um exepional dia e tamo juntos !!! contato para parcerias fariasedicleia73@gmail.com



Soul Of Life - Made By God channel is dedicated to Spiritual seekers who seek enlightenment. We also create educational and motivational videos for people who want well-being in the Material world. Soul Of Life - Made By God, the channel is authorized by Isha Foundation for sharing Sadhguru`s videos/audio. We have permission in writing for the same. We have added unique value to our videos. Soul Of Life - Made By God channel aims to give its viewers the wisdom and knowledge of great personalities. like Sadhguru and Swami Vivekananda. Here we will be sharing the speech of the Great Spiritual master so that you can work on your well-being. Social Media Links : 🌐 Facebook : 🌐 Instagram : 🌐 Twitter : Pranam🙏

Philosophy of Data Science


I'm a Director of Data Science, but this wasn't my plan. My degrees are in Philosophy & Religion. I taught online but needed full time benefits to support my family, having graduated during the recession. I started what I thought would be a temporary job at an insurance call center. After being given some Excel processes, I discovered through recording macros that I could control data through the world of VBA. The company created an analyst role and the rest is history. I noticed after a while that I approach data science differently, focusing on problem solving over syntax and memorization. And that seems to help others when I share back what I've learned. This channel is where I will share what I've learned, from high level tips to in-depth evaluations of algorithm fairness news. I will not provide all of the math and technical details that are often required to get the job done, but will hopefully add some clarity and wisdom as we navigate various topics in data science.