Israel First TV Program


Israel First TV Program focuses on News, Interviews and Features from Israel together with teaching from a Hebraic perspective. The Programme is presented by Martin and Nathalie Blackham from the Israel First TV Studios In Jerusalem, Israel. It is broadcast every Friday on Angel TV Network via Satellite on the following channels: Australia, Far East, Hebrew, Portuguese, Spanish and America. It is also broadcast on GLC TV Network, Israel TV Network and Son Broadcasting TV Network. Martin and Nathalie Blackham have been presenting TV Programmes featuring news and features about Israel since 2004 on Revelation TV, Inspiration Network TV, FaithGlobe TV, Faith TV, CWeb TV and Christian TV Network. Israel First TV Programme is their current show which has been broadcast since 2016 on Angel TV, since 2018 on GLC TV Network/Israel TV Network and since 2019 on Son Broadcasting TV Network. Discover the land, the people and the language through interviews and current events in the land of Israel.

HallMack TV


HallMack Gorilla mit Schnauze! Politisches und satirisches kommentiert von einem absoluten Spezialisten! Achtung! Nicht ganz dialektfrei! Meine lieben Zuschauer, willkommen auf meinem Kanal. Hier kommentiere ich aktuelle Geschehnisse. Natürlich alles mit einem Augenzwinkern. Gebt mir einen Kaffee aus: Ein herzliches Dankeschön an jeden, der meine Arbeit freiwillig finanziell unterstützt und somit weiterhin ermöglicht:

God's Heart TV


God’s Heart TV is an international Christian ministry based in North Wales, UK. After serving as a disciple in the ministry of Prophet TB Joshua at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) for seventeen years, Brother Chris launched the online channel in January 2022 – under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. God’s Heart TV will initially be focused on ministering ‘Interactive Prayer’ to people all over the world as well as sharing God’s Word and engaging in humanitarian projects.