Sightings: The Complete Series


Sightings is an American paranormal and news television show that first aired in the 1990s. The show began on October 17, 1991 as a special titled The UFO Report: Sightings. It was followed by the follow-up reports, Ghost Report and the Psychic Experience. The creator and supervising producer of the initial episode, produced by Paramount for Fox TV, was Linda Moulton Howe. One of her episodes was A Strange Harvest, about the worldwide animal-mutilation mystery linked to extraterrestrial beings. The show was beloved by paranormal fans in the early 90s and has since been lost to time.

The Insightful Podcast


We Gain Insight In Order To Move Forward In Life. Anthony Amaral is a young man on self-improvement. Growing up he always felt that he needed to be a better version of himself. He knew that the person he was, he no longer wanted to be. He discovered Self-Improvement in early 2022. Since then he has never looked back. His vision is to share Self-Improvement advice with the world so people can get the help he needed at one time. Weekly guests is his goal so he can further the message of Self-improvement.

Arquitetura e design


Alexandre Cruz de Souza é formado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo e possui um escritório de arquitetura voltado para projetos na área de interiores e construção civil. Desde 2007 é professor e criador do curso presencial e a distância de Perspectiva à mão Livre. Também desenvolveu outros cursos para arquitetos na área de desenho digital como Sketchup, Vectorworks, V-ray, Projeto de espaços e Gerenciamento de obras. Além de ministrar esses cursos é docente dos curso de Decoração Prática e Design de Interiores no Senac SBC e o curso de Expressão gráfica para a pós graduação em Design de Interiores da PUC/RS

FantasMinas Investigação Sobrenatural


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