Randy Milmeister Realtor & Probate Specialist Las Vegas / Henderson NV KW


As a Highly-trained, Professional, and Skilled Realtor, you can be confident with me helping you move into the next season of life with convenience while maximizing your sale proceeds. I’ve supported hundreds of people & families with real property including Single Family Homes, High-Rise Units, Multi-Family Properties, Condos, and Land in the Las Vegas valley since 2004. I’m a Corporate & Military Relocation Specialist, and have completed designations including UNLV Lied Institute for Real Estate Studies Commercial Certification, Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist (CPRES) & Certified Probate Expert (CPE). Prior to residential sales, I specialized in land brokerage, investment, and development. A Real Estate Broker-Salesman with Keller Williams, I’ve lived in Las Vegas / Henderson since 1979. In 2014, I transitioned from managing as Corporate Broker of a boutique firm, leading dozens of sales agents, with hundreds of properties under management, to selling full time. I graduated in 1999 from the University of Nevada Las Vegas. I formerly served for 5 years with Hope for Prisoners, and previously served on the Board of Directors for Family Promise of Las Vegas. I do my best to practice the highest ethical standards and excellence in business based on Biblical principles, for taking care of business & people: ultimately, Kingdom building through business.

Lorena Cox


This channel will facilitate various spiritual trainings for the equipping of the body of Christ. These trainings will help you expand your understanding of hearing God\'s voice for yourself and others, gifts of the spirit, prayer, healing, and more. You will develop your prophetic gift, experience God\'s love, new developments, and blessings as you participate and learn through scripture, exercises, and assignments. Note that this channel will mostly focus on prayer and the prophetic.

Extransgenderpastor Reverend Edmund Smith


Real Love Ministry (RLM) is a ministry and church that reaches out to Marginalized Community (homosexuals, deaf individuals and others). Our centre and church is located at 1-32 & 3-32, PM6, Plaza Mahkota, Melaka, Malaysia. Our primary CALLING is to equip and train Befrienders for the Marginalized Community. For more information, Pastor Edmund Smith who is based in Malacca can be contacted via his email address is at – reallovemalaysia@gmail.com

Empreender com Inteligência Artificial


Fala pessoal! Agradeço de estarem aqui, sejam bem vindo! falaremos sobre a vida louca do micro empreendedor e os negócios que os envolvem, Primeiramente sou empresário a vários anos, inicie minha carreira como empresário apenas com o seguro desemprego ai você imagina, altos e baixos ao longo dos anos pensamentos "desistir ou continuar", Bom mais aqui estamos vivos e bem! Vou compartilhar com vocês tudo o que aprendi nos meus negócios trazendo dicas valiosas sobre livros, softwares, aplicativos, sites, ferramentas, parceiros e também não, os pilantras, passam nas nossas vidas para atrasar o processo, e por outro lado nos ajudar a crescer e não cometer esse erro de novo. Falaremos muitos sobre erros e acertos, e como lidar com as dificuldades de ter um negócio sem recurso, além de dicas para otimizar gastos e fazer pequenas melhorias na sua empresa. Tudo isso com muito bom humor e descontração. Agora vamos juntos empreender, e que Deus nos acompanhe sempre.