Folha Serrana

4 Followers "Bem-vindo à Folha Serrana – um canal a serviço do povo! Aqui, trazemos informações, curiosidades e histórias locais com o compromisso de manter nossa comunidade bem informada e conectada. Da cultura e cotidiano do nosso sertão às pautas que mais impactam a vida de todos, somos um espaço para dar voz ao povo, com responsabilidade e consequências. Não quer ser notícia? Não seja notícia aqui para cobrir, informar e acompanhar a realidade da nossa gente." Meu 2º Canal: CAÇADA SOBRENATURAL / @cacadasobrenaturaloficial Siga-nos no Facebook / folhaserrana.ce Siga-nos no Instagram / folhaserrana PIX: Francisco Bezerra Filho Nos ajudem a manter esse canal com conteúdos culturais e diversos Whatsapp: 88 9 9903-9782

Cristiano Ronaldo History


Cristiano Ronaldo is a famous Portuguese football player who is considered one of the best in history. He started playing professionally when he was 17 years old and played for big teams like Manchester United and Real Madrid. He has won many awards and championships, including the Ballon d'Or, which is given to the best player in the world. Ronaldo now plays for Juventus and is known for his charitable work and commercial ventures. He is one of the most famous athletes in the world.

NASA videos


"Welcome to NASA Video, your gateway to the cosmos! Join us on an exhilarating journey through the universe as we showcase awe-inspiring footage, captivating documentaries, and real-time updates from the forefront of space exploration. From breathtaking celestial phenomena to cutting-edge missions and discoveries, our channel is dedicated to bringing you the wonders of space, expanding your knowledge, and inspiring your curiosity about the cosmos. Embark on an extraordinary adventure with NASA Video and explore the mysteries of the universe like never before."