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Prefund the Police


Safe, healthy communities require participation between parents, families, businesses, local governments, organizations and their police departments. Together, we create a place where children grow, businesses thrive and people enjoy life. Our Mission is to raise the level of consciousness, rebuild trust and help create strong financial foundations for law enforcement. This is the world we want Americans to be proud of leaving behind for their children. Learn more about what’s been happening to neighborhoods across America. https://prefundthepolice.org/ REGISTER now to receive important updates, events in your area, announcement, contest giveaways and more! Join us on social!! Show your support for law enforcement in your community! Check out cool merch in our store!

. a picture in words of somebody/something or of something that happened किसी व्‍यक्ति, वस्‍तु या घटना का शब्‍दचित्र The man gave the police a detailed description of the burglar.


. a picture in words of somebody/something or of something that happened किसी व्‍यक्ति, वस्‍तु या घटना का शब्‍दचित्र The man gave the police a detailed description of the burglar.

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