A watchman calling in the desert


www.imjc.world/en - My name is Dietmar Reichenberger. In 2008 I turned from my evil ways, repented and gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus delivered me from esotericism, occultism, magic and evil addictions. My wife Ann (whom Jesus brought back to life from brain death in 2009) and I are born again Christians (John 3:5-8), we live as Jesus followers and walk in the Holy Spirit. The Bible, which we study daily, is the foundation of our faith. God has called me to proclaim the gospel here on this channel, to encourage Christians, but also to admonish them with God's word. The Word of God, the Bible, is proclaimed purely on this channel and the shofar horn is blown for admonition and awakening for all who hear it. You can find more about us and our ministry on our homepage: https://www.imjc.world/en The peace and the grace of Jesus Christ be with you! Warm greetings Dietmar&Ann