Meet your Ukrainian bride HERE!


The world is now overtaken by technology and finding your match has become easier through the help of a matchmaking agency. A lot of men are wanting to marry a woman from Kiev because they are considered ideal lifetime partners. One of the leaders in the matchmaking industry is the Kiev Women. Backed with its 15 years of experience in making dreams come true, we have built our reputation and gained the trust of our clients. We have created a platform that makes foreign men and Kiev women meet and date in the most convenient way. Kiev Women is there to assist you from the start while you’re still establishing a relationship with these women until you bring her back home. Our services include sending love letters to meeting the Ukrainian women in their city through our socials. Certainly, you would enjoy our socials since you will meet hundreds of Ukraine singles who are also seeking marriage among foreign men like YOU while you are in a cozy ambience. What more could you ask for?

UPThinking Finance™


Welcome to Upthinking Finance™, a podcast that offers a unique and discerning view of economics and financial planning. Securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial, a registered investment advisor. Member FINRA/SIPC. FINRA: SIPC: Third party posts found on this profile do not reflect the views of LPL Financial and have not been reviewed by LPL Financial as to accuracy or completeness. The financial professionals associated with Capital Investment Advisers may discuss and/or transact business only with residents of the states in which they are properly registered or licensed. No offers may be made or accepted from any resident of any other state.

The Resistance w/ Sheriff Alex Villanueva


Sheriff Alex Villanueva was the 33rd Sheriff serving LA County. Before becoming Sheriff, he was a lieutenant with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and served in the United States Air Force and the California Air National Guard. Known as a “reformer,” Sheriff Villanueva never backed away from a challenge in an effort to protect his deputies or the people of LA County. “I am very excited to connect with the public on this new platform,” said Sheriff Villanueva. “Even though I am out of office, the fight continues. We are at a crossroads at which many of our elected officials are no longer serving the public. They are serving themselves and their individual interests. I want to stand with the people to fight the corruption. We are the resistance that will save our state and the country.” “The Resistance with Sheriff Alex Villanueva” will feature top news and issues of the day along with guests, including law enforcement officers, community leaders, experts on public safety and more! Listeners are encouraged to call in and participate at 818-818-6401 and submit questions on Instagram at @SheriffVillanueva33. Connect with the show on the CRN App. Dial #250 on your Smartphone and say “CRN.”

Vance Family Gamers Verified


Just here for the love of gaming. Sometimes I am gaming with friends and other times by myself. Doing what I can to WIN and have fun while doing it. FOR BUSINESS INQUIRIES: #GameGladiator #fleafierce #game #gaming #gamer #firstpersonshooter #pc #ps4pro #xboxone #pcgaming #gameplay #walkthrough #playthrough #youtubegaming #pcgamer #pcgameplay #fortnite #fortniteduo #fortnitesquads #fortnitesolo #fortniteteamrumbler #fortnitebattleroyal #battleroyal #pvp #fortnitepvp #fortnitestream #fortnitegameplayWorking #fortnitegameplay