The Cycling Submariner


My Name is Colin Smith I am 56 years old, born in the UK, I now live on the Gold Coast, Queensland Australia. I am the guy who sold everything to live a simple life in 3 Tiny Homes on Wheels. As a boy I had 2 passions: cycling and photography. As kids we used to ride everywhere. However, I took a path away from photography and cycling, and chose to enter Britain’s “silent service’’, the Royal Navy’s nuclear submarine force in the Cold War. I left the Navy in 1997 and emigrated to Australia in 2000 to start a technology company. I stumbled across the blog from Bicycle Touring Pro by Darren Alf. He was my inspiration. Then on trips back to the UK to visit family, I started doing unsupported cycling tours of Northern France. That was a game changer. In 2015 I completed a 6 week cycling adventure from Greece to the UK, Passing through Tuscany up through France and eventually arriving in the UK.

Big Fun Garage


The inept and/or purposeful lethargic response to an active shooter in both rural and urban Nova Scotia on April 18th/19th, 2020 by the RCMP, Truro Police Department, and Halifax Regional Police Department, resulted in 23 immediate and avoidable deaths, excluding the perpetrator(s), which shall _never_ be counted. This collection of homemade videos, sourced from primary sources, are simply meant to illustrate, and thereby bring to the foreground, the absurdity that our provincial and federal governments wants us to believe and swallow as reality. These events all could have been avoided and/or mitigated to a far less lethal degree. However, and unfortunately, our governments and institutions failed us. As a result, these videos have been, and will continue to be, produced until a satisfactory and reasonable explanation is given, and measures are set in place to avoid such a needless tragedy again. Until then, this is just a glance at the sad world we live and are forced reside in.

Garage Sport Club


A todos bem-vindo ao Garage Sport Club!!!!! Somos o canal que falamos de tudo sobre esporte com muito humor! Trazemos informação, noticias, curiosidade e principalmente aquele bate papo onde podemos trocar uma ideia sobre algo que está acontecendo no mundo do esporte!! Nosso objetivo de deixar vocês de casa com paz, rir um pouco!! Integrantes: STEEL GARCIA/VERO MADUREIRA JB SAURO Desde já agradeço pela ajuda!! Volte sempre!!!!! Se deseja nos ajudar a crescer? CHAVE DO PIX: Qualquer valor! Quer participar diretamente conosco? Temos: Telegram: Twitter: Grupo do Facebook: Pagina do Facebook: Rumble: Twitch: dailymotion: Mais uma produção do Studio TalhadasFilms!



My name is Gerard Burke, I am an accredited Automotive Master Technician (Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology Division) I love to learn, develop and share my knowledge, experiences and journey on YouTube. I have over 18 years on the job experience and you will find informative automotive videos here covering a wide range of makes & models, from very simple DIY videos to in depth step by step guides/tutorial videos. No one can know everything about this rapidly evolving industry and I certainly don't pretend too, I try to improve everyday whilst helping people all over the globe learn about their vehicles, I give an insight into the automotive industry from my own perspective. I hope you find something here that you enjoy & helps ya out. Thanks for stopping by.