Rachel + Serenity Speak


We are Rachel & Serenity: born in different countries, yet both born into human trafficking with overlapping experiences. This organised abuse has manifested in many forms throughout our lives & CONTINUES TODAY in the UK. Systemic abuse & corruption in some way has a hand in every single person's life on the planet. By exposing the methods of trafficking & the perpetrators, we demonstrate how such pervasive life-control is made possible. We are dedicated to exposing EVERYTHING & initiating a global movement. The information & evidence provided is to enable everyone to make better choices and take revolutionary action. WE ARE STILL BEING TRAFFICKED BY THE GOVERNMENT & ITS HIDDEN ELITE NETWORK TODAY. Only with your support do we have a chance to survive and exit this abuse! 🙏🏼 By coming together can we can end the epidemic of human trafficking & systemic abuse worldwide! We implore each of you to take an honest & informed look at the evil you are certain to witness in your life-- and take a stand with us! 🚨 Stay up to date with our mission & subscribe to our other channels 🚨 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 https://linktr.ee/rsspeak 💲 DONATE 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 https://www.givesendgo.com/helpsurvivors #FreeRachelAndSerenity #RachelAndSerenitySpeak

World Wide Facts Dive into a world of fascinating facts and mind-blowing trivia from every corner of the globe!


Welcome to Worldwide Wonders! Dive into a world of fascinating facts and mind-blowing trivia from every corner of the globe! From the wonders of nature and mind-bending historical events to cultural curiosities and groundbreaking discoveries, we bring you engaging, bite-sized knowledge that’ll leave you saying, "Wow, I never knew that!" Our mission? To ignite your curiosity and make learning fun for everyone. Whether you're a trivia buff, a student, or just someone who loves exploring the world, this channel has something for you. What You'll Find Here: - Intriguing historical events and milestones - Amazing natural phenomena - Little-known cultural facts from different countries - Fun, fast-paced quizzes to challenge your brain Hit subscribe and join us on this journey of exploration and discovery. Your next "Did you know?" moment is just a click away! 🌟 New videos every [insert schedule]!

Manuela Micucci - Studio di Naturopatia


Sono una Naturopata, laureata nel 2013 alla scuola di Alta Formazione in Naturopatia "Rudy Lanza" di Bologna e iscritta all\'AIN - Associazione Italiana Naturopati. \n\nMi occupo di prevenzione attiva e pedagogia dell\'auto-guarigione. \n\nLa salute non è soltanto assenza di malattia ma molto di più! \n\nSiamo un insieme unico ed irripetibile di CORPO-MENTE-SPIRITO, pertanto, una sofferenza che si manifesta in uno di questi sistemi, in realtà li coinvolge tutti. E sono convinta del fatto che a qualunque livello si decida di agire, sia esso il corpo, la mente o lo spirito, si andrà a lavorare nell\'insieme. \n\nIl mio compito è quello di educare l\'individuo verso uno stile di vita più corretto possibile. \n\nPer raggiungere questi obiettivi, mi avvalgo di diversi metodi, del tutto naturali: dal riequilibrio alimentare, all\'utilizzo sia di rimedi floreali (fiori di Bach e Australiani) sia di integratori nutrizionali e fitoterapici, della riflessologia plantare e di alcuni massaggi olistici.