The World Is A Lie


We are through the one true non trinity G-d exposing the worlds three biggest lies and showing the true non trinity and non preexistent by G-d exalted man Messiah Jesus of the Bible that G-d has given us for our salvation and there is a war of satan in hiding the true Messiah Jesus that the churches and "jehovas witnesses" and New age are promoting and leading man away from his salvation. This temporary life is a trial for G-ds coming eternal kingdom that will soon be here on earth. THE THREE BIGGEST LIES - Who G-d is (The unbiblicalTrinity that is Sun-Worship and A unbiblical Pre-existent "jesus" that is a gnostic religion) - Earth "form" and cosmology (New Age Sun-worship cosmology "Helio-centrism" and worship of the CGI-Ball/"Baal") - Earth age (Evolution/Darwinism) G-ds 7000year salvation plan micro to macro 7days creation of the world and the total length of his plan where 1day is as 1000years in the Bible and we are now in the end of 6000years and the Millenial reign is coming For more info: See more of our videos at Youtube: If you want to give a gift through Patreon:

Heyo! I'm Funneh, welcome to my channel! Here you'll find funny daily gaming videos, livestreams, and much more. I play a lot of games with my fam, we're known as Krew! If you enjoy our videos, subscribe today. Your support helps us continue to do what we


Addicted to the Angry Birds, thats what I am !!! Always new ideas for adventures and mashups with other games and movies. And I love to see pictures come to life...soooo, here I sit animating away using 3D animation software. I do not use original graphics or sounds from the games and movies. Much rather all animations are made from scratch in endless hours of animation. I hope now you undestand why my videos and sounds are somewhat different from (and maybe not as good as ) the original.... but I try hard ;-))) For all those interested: I mostly use Iclone Pro 5, 3Ds Max, Photoshop and After Effects. You\'ll see 3D animated clips & cartoons some "nonexisting" Angry Birds combo spoofs, some combined

Seeking the Truth & Exposing the Lies of our World


Exposing the Hidden Truths of our Society and our Earth - HEALTH & MEDICAL FRAUD - COVID FRAUD - NASA FRAUD - FE - NWO - VACCINES - HIDDEN HISTORY - FAKED MOON LANDINGS - ETC - The powers that be have lied to the public about literally everything from medicine, the human body, health, viruses & diseases, space, the shape of the earth, our history, financial system, and much more. Help expose the truth and wake up the masses by exploring & sharing the truth content on this channel, much of which was provided by numerous truth seekers from around the world! A big thank you for all the content creators that have contributed their precious time and money and risked their reputations and careers to create some of the great content on this channel! YOU are the true patriots of our society!!

Country Song Writer's Playbook


This channel is dedicated to songwriting that speaks through both lyrics and arrangements. My goal is to create songs that connect with listeners on an emotional level, resonating with both the heart and mind. I am shifting my focus for now. I’m writing songs and using AI-generated voices to perform them. I’m really curious to see where AI is heading musically. The AI will handle the voicing, while I combine my creativity with AI technology to produce the 'artwork.'"