Prophet, Pastor & Teacher Verified


NO! - Church Home NO! - Pastor NO! - Car NO! - Computer * * * NO PROBLEM !!!! * * * *** SUNDAY'S TEACHINGS *** 11AM EASTERN, 8AM PACIFIC TIME Call In Line: (872) 240-3311 code 511-278-085# * GOD Is The Owner/Creator of The Universe and HE is neither left or right, HE Is Always, JUST & RIGHT! Please Sign Our Guestbook or Call through the website: (or) Our Website as you can see is full information as well "THE LINKS" to Thousands of Archived Videos on just about every subject! I am Called in these the last of The LAST DAYS, to Get HIS People Ready for what ever the demons of darkness throw at us. At the same time Build GODLY Relationships, to be there, for one Another! Please Feel Free to Call Me Personally anytime 24/7. Thanks and God Bless! (Lets Talk Soon) Pastor Sylvester Bland 951-360-3399

BeachBody P90X / P90X+ Extreme Home Fitness


P90X, or Power 90 Extreme, is a home exercise system developed by Tony Horton in conjunction with Beachbody and director Mason Bendewald, which claims to improve physical fitness in 90 days through a rigorous periodized training program combined with a nutrition and dietary supplement plan. P90X is an intensive 90-day home fitness program that combines a variety of exercise styles, including strength training, cardio, yoga, plyometrics, and stretching. Most of the workouts are just under an hour in length, and feature Tony Horton as instructor and motivational leader along with 3 or 4 fellow exercisers as backup. For workouts that require weights, one of the backup exercisers will generally demonstrate the exercise using the alternative resistance bands. The backup exercisers also demonstrate some moves at lower levels of intensity for participants who aren't as fit. With the exception of the Ab Ripper X routine, each workout generally begins with about a 10 minutes dynamic warm-up and ends with a cool-down of 3–5 minutes. The P90X program is 13 weeks in length, exercising six days per week. There are three rotations that come with the program: classic, lean, and doubles that all target different end goals. There are a total of 12 workouts that are included with the program, each targets the body in a different fashion.



The transformation is happening, whether we like it or not. We are changing as individuals and as part of the bigger picture. It may take time to adjust to our increasing intuition and abilities while being cautious of those who try to deceive us or hold us back. We are becoming more sensitive, which leads to confrontations with our environment. With her videos, Mirjam inspires, guides and challenges you to stand your ground and become who you intend to be.

Backyard Chickens For Beginners


It is vital to take care of your chickens with proper food and clean water and revived them consistently. Business layer pellets give a fair wellspring of the right supplements. Kitchen scraps can likewise be given to chickens to enhance their eating regimen. Try not to give them chocolate, onions, and garlic as these can here and there cause medical issues. Utilize a chicken feeder that is vermin-and-wild-bird-verification to keep them from eating the chicken feed and tainting it.

Trading Coach Oli


Hier bekommst du nicht nur wöchentliche Updates zu News und Weltwirtschaft, sondern lernst auch alles über Börse und wie du professioneller Trader wirst! Über Oliver Klemm: Oliver Klemm, besser bekannt als TRADING COACH OLI ist Trader mit Herz und Leidenschaft, und dies bereits seit 1982, also nunmehr 40 Jahre. In diesen vier Jahrzehnten hat er alle Höhen und Tiefen der Börsen erfolgreich überstanden. Während seines Traderlebens hat er bisher fast alles gehandelt, was an den Börsen handelbar ist: Futures, Optionen, Aktien, Renten, Währungen (Forex/Futures), Optionsscheine, Warenfutures. Seit 2014 ist er ebenfalls Trading Coach. Seine Ausbildung durften bereits über 600 Absolventen erfolgreich durchlaufen.