Bucket List Florida OffShore Fishing


When I'm not making paintings for Laurie Maves ART, I'm fishing Offshore. My husband, Ralph, and I live in Sarasota, Florida, and together we have a 31' AMERACAT Fishing Catamaran. We have been living here and fishing off the Suncoast of Florida for the past 7 years. We both are die hard offshore fishing people - I mean WE LOVE FISHING, and we're pretty good at it too. We even won one of the Sarasota Slam fishing tournament categories with a wahoo back in August 2020. Anyway, after many monster catches, we have decided to start sharing our fishing adventures with the Rumble community. Hopefully you will be entertained by our outings, and maybe learn a thing or two about offshore fishing.



É um composto fito homeopático serotoninérgico natural, produzido e distribuído com responsabilidade social (acessível em valor e condições) para o uso em Terapias Integrativas Complementares e individuais como Suplemento Nutracêutico. Feito a partir da extração de ativos do chá de Ayahuasca in natura. Com potencial enteogênico (Deus-interior) com a capacidade de expandir a consciência a ponto de se enxergar dentro da realidade que se apresenta e encontrar mecanismos de auto ajuda.