Wired4Wonder's Short Scary Tales


Where reality meets terror in its rawest form. Each story takes you on a chilling journey into the unknown—exploring haunted places, unexplained phenomena, and encounters that defy logic. These bite-sized tales of horror are crafted to send shivers down your spine and leave you questioning what truly lurks just beyond the veil. Are you brave enough to face the darkness? Hit subscribe to stay connected and prepare yourself for a journey into the macabre. Let the fear begin… For More Creepy Tales: https://wired4wonderstales.blogspot.com/

Wick Goes Carnivore


I am Brian, aka Wick Goes Carnivore. I've lost more than 75 pounds on the carnivore diet and had many health improvements, including the disappearance of arthritis and joint pain, increased energy levels, better mood, and as someone who had been diagnosed with Afib I have not had another Afib episode since. On this channel I will highlight my personal journey on a carnivore lifestyle, as I continue to lose weight and body fat, and promote the proper human diet. Join me on this journey as I share my experiences to help inspire others to rid themselves of metabolic disease.

We buy, remodel and sell homes in the Raleigh aread of North Carolina


Wes and Jenny are real estate investors and produces videos showing how they do what they do. They specialize in buying distressed property before its lost to the owner. Wes looks for ways for all parties involved to win. • Owners that are delinquent in their payments can be relieved of the burden of their mortgage without a total loss. • Buyers that can afford a home but can\\\'t qualify for a mortgage have a path to ownership. • Investors can get a guaranteed return on their money without the risk of the stock market.