UMBRAVOOX by Job Vasquez


UMBRAVOOX es el nombre de mi banda de rock y lleva un significado profundo. Es una combinación de dos conceptos poderosos: "Umbra": la sombra, lo oculto y lo que llevamos dentro. "Vox": la voz, lo que emerge para expresar lo que muchos no se atreven a decir. Además, es un acrónimo que refleja nuestra esencia: Universe Mysteries Beyond Reason And Voices Of Oblivion and eXistence. Somos una mezcla de luz y oscuridad, razón y locura, llevando nuestra música a los límites de lo humano. 🌌🎸

BRAiNStORM Snack Attack


Howdy Folks! 😎 Grab a SNACK! Hungry for new #YummyGoodness adventures in the land of grub or drink and love to have FUN with your FOOD? Welcome and prepare to be entertained! 😊 Come on in and sit a spell as you explore the zany universe of BRAiNStORM SNACK ATTACK! 😂 Bring your growling bellies and sweet tooth as this GURU of GOOD GROCERIES is here to tickle your fearless taste buds, quinch your thirst for new beverage horizons and share some quality edible experiences! 🍕🍔🍗🥤 Epic grub/chug challenges? CHECK! Humorous and informative snack/restaurant reviews? CHECK and CHECK! Funky Food Fusion experiments? Triple CHECK! Trying to learn how to cook? Send the CHECK! ✔✔✔ Whether you are laughing with us or at us at least you are laughing because laughter is the best medicine! At the end of the day remember! ⚡IT’S OK TO PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD! ⚡ I hope you enjoy this creatively fun community please join us by following, liking and commenting! 🔔Have a GREAT DAY and God Bless! 👋🏻

BrainStorm Beat Files


High Quality Beats High quality sound's by KLASSIC unique and creative beats crazy sounds from A-Z customize your beats our experienced production team will work with you to create the perfect beat for your project. Whether you’re looking for an instrumental or a custom beat, let BrainStorm Beat Files help you create something amazing. Order Your Beats Today! If you need help or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact KLASSIC. And don’t forget to check out our selection of beats and instrumentals!

The nomadic life in the mountain. An story about a brave woman


Welcome to our YouTube channel! We're thrilled to have you here. This mother, whose remarkable story unfolds in the video, embodies unwavering strength and resilience in the face of adversity. With immense determination, she left her home to protect her children from a challenging family situation, exemplifying the profound sacrifices mothers make for their offspring. Her ability to transform hardships into opportunities is a testament to her unwavering love and devotion to providing a better future for her children, making her a truly inspirational figure deserving of admiration and respect.