CRYSTALClear Insights


CRYSTALClear is a Spiritual Mentor & Intuitive Empath. About me: I AM nothing more than spirit (AKA energy) with a consciousness. I am experiencing this marvelous world in the 3D dimension within my human body. I rely on the guidance of the Divine of the highest frequencies of love to help and seek direction through everyday transitions. I am working to navigate through this life of ups and downs, learning discernment, and stepping forward to serve my Dharma (evolving as it may need). My goal is to help others who feel pulled and open to hearing any given message for their own life. I love sharing what I have discovered throughout life's tribulations, my interests in quantum science, psychology, philosophy, and above all else, the spiritual guidance and downloads to serve in raw authenticity. I am seeking to attract like-minded individuals; as a collective, we are all here to help one another.