S.N.A.F.U. Report


---------------------------------------- The Official Nation in Distress SNAFU report Situation Normal All F'd Up Reports several times a week on daily and URGENT news that you need to know. Waking up the normies one at a time. *** DONATE, support my work: Venmo: @DrumAtlanta patreon.com/user?u=70536667 Email: SNAFUreport@proton.me https://www.brighteon.com/channels/snafureport https://www.bitchute.com/channel/yyW26DHHL1rG/ https://rumble.com/c/c-2277540 https://odysee.com/@SnafuReport:d Telegram: https://t.me/NotGonnaTakeIt https://t.me/mahangtia Hour of the Time by Bill Cooper (Mystery Babylon series 1997) https://rumble.com/c/c-2446730 ----------------------------------------

Loomer Report


We are thrilled to introduce the Loomer Report, a groundbreaking news platform that is committed to delivering “Real News for Truth-Seekers.” In a media landscape marred by special interests, elite owners, and political pressure, our mission is to provide an unapologetically honest and unbiased perspective on the events that shape our world. Why the Loomer Report? At the Loomer Report, we understand that the truth often takes a back seat to political agendas and corporate interests in mainstream media. That’s why we’ve made it our mission to be different. While we may lean right in our political bias, our commitment to the truth remains steadfast. We pledge to report the facts, regardless of the political party involved, and to bring you the stories that others may ignore. In its approach, the ‘Loomer Report’ draws inspiration from the earlier days of the Drudge Report, such as when it broke stories like the Monica Lewinsky scandal. The ‘Loomer Report’ is positioned to become a leading platform for those seeking an alternative to the evolving ‘Drudge Report,’ which shifted its stance following President Trump’s election.

GatorTimSports Verified


Besides being 2006 Time’s Person of the Year, Tim enjoys watching his Florida Gators play football and baseball. He is also a Boston Red Sox, Boston Bruins, and Carolina Panther fan. A child of the 1980s, Tim enjoys anything that has to do with G.I. Joe, Transformers, Batman, and Saturday morning cartoons. His favorite G.I. Joe of all time is Snake Eyes. Growing up in South Carolina, Tim swears he almost died from a ninja star accident while studying Ninjutsu in his backyard. This has yet to be verified. Tim served in the U.S. Air Force and graduated from the University of Florida. He loves to write about sports, gaming, and shoots photography whenever he gets the chance. Favorite Teams: Florida Gators (Alumni) Boston Bruins (Wife is from Massachusetts) Boston Red Sox (See above) Carolina Panthers (Originally from South Carolina) Website: https://GatorTimSports.com Email: comms@gatortimsports.com