Missouri Freedom Initiative


The Missouri Freedom Initiative (MOFI) is a grassroots organization dedicated to promoting the following ideals in Missouri's culture and legislature: The US Constitution, The Missouri Constitution, all causes that promote Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for all Missouri residents including but not limited to: lower taxes, property rights, the right to bear arms, school choice, pro-life, and many more. We do not promote the right/left paradigm, we simply promote liberty in the spirit of the American founding fathers. Join us on our bold mission to make Missouri a bastion of freedom and to reject political and cultural tyranny from any source with an emphasis on exposing and ending political corruption at all levels in Missouri politics.

"The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable." ~ James A. Garfield


I produce alternative independent media that cuts through mainstream lies and deceptions. ALT SITES: 1. instagram.com/dablunttruth/ 2. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAup8KJHCLQqpeH1Qj4F5dQ SUPPORT: If you feel led to support my efforts you can do so via any of the following links. 1. patreon.com/DaBluntTruth 2. https://mega.nz/aff=zcjQcR1RTEA (Free PRIVATE Cloud Storage) 3. https://paypal.me/DaBluntTruth?locale.x=en_US) Thank you!

American Freedom Tribe


We’re a group of Patriotic Americans who love our country, our freedom, our rights, and of course God. We also love Trump and love what he stands for. He’s the only president in history who stood up to the swamp and took on all the crooked career politicians who’ve been lining their pockets at the expense of hardworking Americans for decades. Trump wasn’t perfect as president but he was exactly what America needed and he had the courage to stand up and fight. He was as tough as they come and America needed a badass like him to bring us back to greatness and expose the corruption in Washington and in the media. Perhaps the greatest thing Donald J. Trump did was expose the media as fake and full of complete shit with virtually every story they fabricated. Coining the phrase “Fake News” he shined a bright spotlight on the lies and manipulation that has been going on for years. And by doing so he created a legion of people willing to share the truth about what’s really going on in the world. American Freedom Tribe is a part of this legion. A part of those willing to share the truth, stand up for America, and defend (albeit peacefully) against the evil and corruption that has seeped into every crevice of the global power structures. We’re on the right side of history and we always will be. But we need more people like you to help us win this fight as we’re only just beginning. Will you join the American Freedom Tribe and stand beside us? We’re gonna need as many Patriots as possible.

Jamie Tree


A financial and digital minimalist attempting to retire young. A blend of self-improvement, finance and adventure videos. Join me on my journey. The videos we make on this channel focus largely around various types of investments - ASX stocks, US based stocks as well as cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. We analyse and look at various other analysts and figures in the space, look at how they are valuing investments and analyse and predict ourselves. We also throw in some humour videos of when people get it wrong, missing investments or missing the mark. (See Mark Cuban Bitcoin and Ethereum predictions and Ray Dalio Bitcoin predictions ;) ) Enjoy my videos and have a great day! - Jamie Tree "He who works all day, has no time to make money."