Spit Take Podcast


pit Take is a podcast where best friends talk about their favorite movies, TV shows, and video games. Join us for hilarious discussions, in-depth analysis, and heated debates. Our team of hosts is made up of avid fans giving us a unique perspective on the latest entertainment news and trends as well as reminiscing on old favorites. We also use Social media to give our reviews on latest releases, or just stream video games for fun! Tune in to hear our take on the latest blockbusters, indie darlings, and everything in between.

Rainman's Take


Welcome to “Rainman’s Take”! My name is Brian, the “Rainman” Lukacz and I’m based in Southern California. The name Rainman was my callsign from my days flying helicopters in US Marine Corps. \nSome of the things you can expect from the show. First, the format will be a variety podcast. I’m an insatiable reader, and I’m trying to understand the truth or as close to it as we can get. I love talking about history, politics, current affairs, cultural issues, you name it, if it interests me you will get my “Take” on it. The schedule will be one episode a week coming out on Thursdays. \nI started “Rainman’s Take” as a place to express my opinions and views on the world we live in. I highly encourage listener feedback and involvement especially from people who disagree with me. I want the channel to be a community of individuals who think for themselves and realize there is more to any story than what we are being told by the current media industry.