Wildlife Gallery


Amazon & African Wildlife Gallery: Visit Chobe National Park -Super Beautiful Moment Wild Animals with Rainforest The Chobe River, which flows along the Northeast border of the park, is a major watering spot, especially in the dry season (May through October) for large breeding herds of elephants, as well as families of giraffes, sable, and Cape buffalo. The floodplains are the only place in Botswana where the puku antelope can be seen. Birding is also rewarding here. Large numbers of carmine bee-eaters are spotted in season. Thanks, Wildlife Gallery

Hunter Valley Freedom Fighters


Welcome to the Hunter Valley Freedom Fighters channel! Based in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales, the HVFF community are a patriotic non-discriminatory, non-violent freedom movement, and we welcome those who want to be with like-minded folk. We are made up of a growing number of people and families of all ages and walks of life! We are a satellite group for both The Australia Project (T.A.P) and Reignite Democracy Australia (RDA); and avid supporters of many more grassroots and national movements! Within our community, we have several township-based groups that cover the major towns in the greater Hunter including Maitland, Cessnock, Singleton, Muswellbrook, Dungog. We also have topic-specific groups setup for popular topics including home schooling, crypto/metals investments and prepping to name a few.

Galletta's Backyard Karting Club


The Galletta's Karting (Go-Kart Racing) Club was founded in the early 1990s with two brothers racing go-karts in the backyard. It then gradually grew through family and friends into a small fleet of 1-WD gas flathead hybrid racing karts that races every Summer to Fall weekend behind Galletta's Greenhouse in Oswego, NY (& formerly on Oswego Speedway's Kartway 2006-08 as well). We have documented, counted points and videotaped races dating back to the mid-1990s, but have almost every single race since 2005 available to watch on our website and here!