Practical Spirituality: Hinduism & Current Events


Regular live show on religion & society. Be yourself! Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism! I am Aaron Joy (Premanand Das Bhagat), in Maine USA. 📣 * Contact: & find me on X @PremanandDasB 📚 * My books: 🍮 Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places. 📚 I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya. Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, Podcast Ranking, Podtail, People Ai, Podchaser, Everend, Rephonic,,



Lovevolution Foundation is a globally active Hawaiian-based 501 C3 public educational charity. Together with community leaders, organizations that are earth conscious, and inspired thinkers of our time, we are co-authoring inspired live events and innovative multimedia. We use ‘edutainment’ to engage people in a fun and intelligent way on real world issues such as: the environment, social justice, peace advocacy, and creative self actualization. To donate time, money, energy or other resources to Lovevolution Foundation visit us online at This channel’s focus is Literati, which means a literary people, or people who’ve lived lives worth writing about. We offer an audience with the great influencers, & a conversation with the finest minds from across the centuries. Outstanding women and men whose contribution & thought-power has made humanity & the world better as a whole. Literati is a lifestyle! We invite you to join the conversation that transcends words.

Crippy Rob "The Political Pothead"


Cannabis Connoisseur - Political Pothead - Cannabis Convict My name is Robert AKA Crippy Rob. I am not a Crip and I am not crippled. ‘Crippy’ is a cannabis strain. I am a Christian, a husband, and father. I was indicted and convicted of conspiracy to manufacture marijuana in 2012. I’m a Florida Medical Cannabis Card holder. As a passionate cannabis advocate, the goal of my channel is to make cannabis legalization a mainstream part of the conservative movement. I want to raise awareness and FUCK THE CURRENT 🇺🇸 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CANNABIS LAWS.