Here at The Natural Monk, you can find music to practice Reiki, Meditation, Yoga. Also, tracks for Relaxation, Sleeping, and compositions with Solfeggio & Binaural Beats. \\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nOur music will help you to relieve stress. Or relieve yourself from negative feelings like anxiety and help to enhance positive energy in you. It can also give your meditation techniques a boost if you use this type of soothing music as you meditate. It can also have a healing capacity where you will learn how to find inner peace and heal yourself within with the capability of music.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nOur music cannot cure a health condition nor does it want to replace the advice of a doctor or health care provider. Never listen to our music whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nEnjoy your listening!

The No Labels Podcast (Uncensored)


The No Labels Podcast with Kris Legion The "No Labels Podcast" is a thought-provoking podcast series that invites listeners and viewers to explore a world without preconceived labels and categories. In each episode, we delve into a wide range of topics, from politics and society to personal growth and creativity, all with the aim of breaking down barriers and encouraging open-minded conversations. Kris Legion - Anti establishment podcaster and anti war non identifying political opinion writer, INN member. Follow me on Substack -

Videos von Robert Henderson


Robert Henderson hat ein Mandat und eine Botschaft für unsere Zeit! Sein Anliegen ist es, Gemeinden und Gläubige wach zu rütteln, so dass sie sich ihrer Berufung bewusst werden. Sie sollen nicht nur Träger (Botschafter) des Evangeliums der Errettung sein, sondern auch des Evangeliums über das Reich Gottes in der gegenwärtigen Zeit; und dies in der Kraft Gottes. Seine Botschaften sind stark unter der Salbung des Heiligen Geistes. Robert vermittelt ein Verständnis und eine Offenbarung, dass Gemeinden und Gläubige mit Christus an himmlischen Orten sitzen, aber auch dass sie aus dieser Dimension im Alltag leben und regieren. Seine Botschaften sind positiv, glaubensstärkend, siegreich und ausgewogen für die Endzeit.

The NonSequitur Show


NonSequitur is crafted around uncommon philosophy and influenced by a simple ideology. Here, bold ideas are righteous, unique perspective are gospel, and informed opinions are sacred. NonSequitur is hosted by Steve McRae, and follows a vision of content that is rich in optimistic sarcasm and seeks to balance entertainment with information, open minds, and provoke thought. NonSequitur is comprised of several formats. Each show features discussions with fascinating guests who are making an impact in our social, political, or religious culture. Some may consider ideas discussed here taboo, but NonSequitur defiantly showcases controversial issues in passionate debates. The result is a channel unapologetic in its audacity and relentless in its originality.

The natural environment or natural world encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. ... This environment encompasses the interaction of all living species, climate, weather and natural resources


People seldom find absolutely natural environments on Earth, and naturalness usually varies in a continuum, from 100% natural in one extreme to 0% natural in the other. More precisely, we can consider the different aspects or components of an environment, and see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform.