Sharise Parviz - Leading Lady Solutions


👑I help women leave the past behind and live the life they were created for 🎧Burn the Boats, Baby! 🎬SPBTV 💣"Conservative Bombshell" of the former political satire show, Restrained No More ------- As founder of Leading Lady Solutions, I serve women in regaining their health and life so they can take back their freedom and be the leaders the next generation is looking for. We can break the cycle of pain, disease, and trauma - and it begins with us. ⭐️My Leading Lady Experience™ is a place where women come together for support, education, and coaching in life, relationships, nutrition, fitness, yoga, meditation & energy healing, traditional cooking, dance, mindset, and more. 👉Learn more about my unique programs 👉Sign up for my newsletter to receive health and life tips and Freebies 👉And if you think it's too late, I'm here to tell you, that's total BS! It's never too late! -You Leave the Legacy you Live

Gordon and Cherise


Discover how to live abundantly through your chronic suffering. Despite Gordon dealing with the horrors of chronic pain for the past 30 years and now Cherise being recently diagnosed with cancer, Gordon & Cherise candidly share their experiences with what it takes to overcome impossible odds when your painful afflictions seem insurmountable. This podcast is raw and real and contains practical insights and hope for the millions of people around the world who are suffering. Isn't it time to become part of transformational change? Gordon and Cherise invite you to join them and learn, truly, that abundant living is possible, even in deep suffering. Follow us for more — knowledge, experience, motivation, inspiration, hope and plenty of laughs along the way. More on

Hunting show


Rise Up is here to help encourage men and women of all ages to get after their dreams in life. I have learned through my experiences in the great outdoors, that we only have one shot hunting in Alaska as well as in life. Staying upwards of seven months in a year hunting in the wilderness, away from the noise has given me the opportunity to live a life that many have not. I am sharing my experiences that being in the wilderness has taught me through hunting, fishing and exploring rugged terrain. Will you join me?