Everyday Graces Homeschool


Hi there! I'm Lara. I believe you are the gate-keeper, grace-giver, and cultivator of your home and when you step into your God-given capacity you are capable of providing a delightful and life-giving education to your children. Grab a fresh mug of coffee and sit a spell for ideas, encouragement, and to refresh your heart! Thanks for checking our our channel! Please subscribe to keep up with all our homeschool adventures! www.EverydayGracesHomeschool.com

Ciência de Verdade


Bem-vindo ao Canal Ciência de Verdade, onde mergulhamos na exploração profunda dos valores cristãos tradicionais e no resgate de conhecimentos ancestrais. Neste espaço, nos propomos a oferecer uma visão iluminada, conectando a ciência à fé e explorando como esses dois pilares podem se complementar. Nossos vídeos abordam os valores cristãos tradicionais, como também lançam luz sobre a harmonia entre a ciência e a espiritualidade. Exploramos temas como criação e a evolução, buscando entender como a compreensão científica se alinha ou se complementa com os princípios cristãos. Além disso, vamos mais fundo nos conhecimentos antigos, explorando áreas como a filosofia, a história da igreja e a sabedoria tradicional, enriquecendo assim a nossa compreensão do mundo à luz da fé. Desde estudos bíblicos a insights científicos, nosso objetivo é fornecer uma perspectiva abrangente que inspire a reflexão. Junte-se a nós neste fascinante mergulho, onde a ciência e a verdade se entrelaçam, proporcionando uma jornada enriquecedora e esclarecedora sobre os temas que moldam nossa compreensão do mundo e da fé.

The Whatever Guy


The Whatever Guy giving you real deal Holyfield, no sugar coating, average everyday American, slap you in your face reviews of products and a no holds barred real life explanation of my journey into online entrepreneurship If your digging around trying to find a way to get started online you have come to the right place. I'm not rich. i live week to week just like you. This is what you can expect to experience as you dive into the digital world trying to create a better life for yourself, your family, and your loved ones. If your feelings are easily hurt this channel won't be for you. Move along! However, if you want to know what your about to experience or can relate to my own frustration in getting into online entrepreneurship then this is your place. Hang out for a bit. Let me know what you think. And if you decide you don't like what i'm spewing just remember that i don't care. It really is Whatever with me. Because i'm living like that. That's why i'm, The Whatever Guy!

Reviews of Guns & Gear and everything Tacti-cool!


"Welcome to 'RazorMP,' a channel dedicated to in-depth reviews and discussions about firearms and tactical gear. As a seasoned combat veteran (former infantryman, military policeman, special reaction team leader, SRT sniper, protective service agent (bodyguard), drill sergeant, First Sergeant (RET) USA, NRA Pistol Instructor and Texas Concealed Carry Instructor...whew...thats a lot of words) and passionate gun enthusiast, I bring a unique blend of experience and passion to each video. From detailed breakdowns of the latest firearms to hands-on testing of tactical equipment, this channel offers viewers expert insights and honest reviews. Join me as I explore the world of firearms, sharing tips, tricks, and my personal experiences from years in the field. Whether you're a seasoned shooter or just starting out, 'RazorMP' is your go-to source for all things tactical and firearms-related." Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate, I may earn from qualifying purchases.

The TRUTH About Everything


See description box's for the 8 FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS #TEAMYAHAWASHAI shares. I have proven that the Earth is a PLANE. NOT A "planet"! I am deeply spiritual. I worship the Creator of this world YaHaWaHa, who is the Elohim of the Bible, and his son our Savior Yahawashai (the name jesus was created in the 1600's by the jesuits after the letter "J" was created). I also know that this "reality" is not the one described by kabbalistic materiality, and that it is more accurately described as a VIRTUAL REALITY/SIMULATION/ or REALM. I started my channel in 2012 and chose the name Awake Souls with the purpose of waking people up to the true nature of Earth, and who the CREATOR our world is.