Wick Goes Carnivore


I am Brian, aka Wick Goes Carnivore. I've lost more than 75 pounds on the carnivore diet and had many health improvements, including the disappearance of arthritis and joint pain, increased energy levels, better mood, and as someone who had been diagnosed with Afib I have not had another Afib episode since. On this channel I will highlight my personal journey on a carnivore lifestyle, as I continue to lose weight and body fat, and promote the proper human diet. Join me on this journey as I share my experiences to help inspire others to rid themselves of metabolic disease.

Modder Paul Scambaits


I am a Scam Baiter. I call scammers to waste their time, access their systems and steal their data... My team rescues victims young and old alike and reports everything to the authorities. I am Modder Paul Scambaits. Scammers beware... If you like this content and want to support me, follow me on the links below: My Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/modderpaulscambaits My Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/ModderScamBaits #scambaits #scam_baits #scambaiter #scambaiting #scammers #scammer



Is your injured body preventing you from weightlifting, running, Crossfit, yoga, general fitness, deadlifting, squatting, or being with your personal trainer? You are in the right place! Dr. Sebastian and Dr. Dawne are "locally world-famous chiropractors" in Costa Mesa, Orange County CA. Not really but really! :) On this channel, you can expect only the most effective strength exercises, stretches, corrective exercises, and rehabilitation methods on Youtube. Our topics of interest range from lower back pain, piriformis syndrome, hip flexor syndrome, groin pain, hip impingement, SI Joint sprains, muscle spasms, shoulder blade ache, neck pain, and much more. If you have an ache, pain, spasm, shooting, stabbing, throbbing, or numbness in your low back, hip, shoulder, neck, spine, thigh, knee, foot, or ankle we have some great home exercises and self-tests. We are located in Costa Mesa CA. Search "chiropractors near me" in the cities of Newport Beach, Costa Mesa.