The Red Pill Ranger


If you're ready for the Real Deal Red Pill Information and content that's actually going to help you and not just feed your ego or support your disdain for women yet hold them ACCOUNTABLE you are in the right place!!! Self Improvement, through Freshness, Fitness and Finances !! Let's Goooo!!! I'm on a quest to educate men and save them from themselves. The Red Pill Ranger is willing to speak the unpopular truths for the betterment of mankind and to make each and every man the best version of themselves! New Episodes Every M, W, and Friday!

Red Lipstick Vibes


Here I attempt to open the doors to explore all topics & promote femininity, honor, & grace. For women who want to be better at courting, relationships, & marriage. I share my life experiences, wisdom, & knowledge; teaching & guiding others towards improvement & empowerment; not repeating our mistakes, and breaking generational curses ♥️ Traditional values in a modern-day world. Talk About It, Teach About It, Write About It, Think About It, with Mz. Ty #tyism

Red Pill Time


The Red Pill Time YouTube channel was created for the purpose of showing men, young and old, that they not only have rights as a man, no matter the differing opinion a woman in their life may tell them. But as well, give them the courage to take action, whether this channel teaches them how to be a more masculine man or if it opens their eyes so they see they need to leave a bad place, a poor marriage for example. This channel's intent is to show men how to be colder towards women and colleagues so that they get what they want in life instead of just waiting around for the opportunity to present itself for them. Red Pill Time helps women understand how men feel and helps them better understand a man's nature.